Harwin connector catalog. For British Standard versions see pages 18 to 19.
Harwin connector catalog com www. 5mm. oRDeR CoDe Barrel Signal crimps for L-Tek, J-Tek & Mix-Tek Z80-280 INSErTION/rEMOVAL Datamate Connectors www. com 21 Female Vertical PC Tail Polarised mouldings. 50 A 2. 40 1. 55 0. Harwin Plc Subject: Product Catalog Created Date: 20210112102618Z www. Brass spacers: base material is free-machining brass, with nickel plating. GECKO | CP008/12022024 | PATENT www. Can be used with PCB sockets (page 172) for hardware programming Datamate Connectors www. com 1. Choice of mating pin lengths – or specify your own pin header (see page 152). M22-533 and M22-563 also suitable for use with female crimp connectors shown on page 128. com 25 Trio-Tek contacts must be ordered separately, see page 24 for applicable housings. Order codes for loose contacts refer to one pack of 100 The datasheets listed below include a summary of the product family along with links to technical documentation, product training modules and test reports. 0 4-finger Beryllium Copper contact on a female connector. Female Vertical Surface Mount 6. 00 9. Staggered pin-out to help board layout. com 150 2. com 176 IC SOCKETS IC Sockets Special Purpose Connectors “Shrink Dip” socket for high density IC leads – 1. 50 8. 25mm pitch High-Reliability connector range from Harwin. 079") PITCH A range of 2mm pitch male and female connectors, with a variety of mating styles and finishes. 00 7. Mates with female connectors shown on pages 21 to 24. 0 4-finger Beryllium Copper contact. 25mm pitch connector, maintaining the selection of Harwin High-Reliability connectors at metric pitches (accompanied by Datamate at 2mm/4mm pitch, M300 at 3mm pitch and Kona at 8. com M20 Connectors Female Vertical Surface Mount Suitable for use with male connectors shown on pages 146 to 152. 56mm, using four finger Beryllium Copper contact technology (see the Datamate range for more detail). 54 2. Un-insulated links can be soldered directly into the PCB for permanent linking. Pin headers can be cut into smaller sizes. Male Crimp Latches (when fitted) add www. Features potting wall for extra security. 00 A/F 5. 2. Female Vertical PC Tail 3. 54 Connectors are currently available in 3-contact single row, 6- and 10-contact double row. 1 contact 2. 54 Ø1. Supplied as a complete kit, including backshell, contacts, Jackscrew nuts, and connector housing with jackscrew studs assembled. Datamate Connectors Female Vertical PC Tail FEMALE VErTICAL CALCULAtion A B + 15 B (Total no. Male Vertical Surface Mount HOw TO OrDEr SINgLE rOw 5. Twin-leaf phosphor bronze contacts, supplied loose or on reels, rear insertable into housing. 2A current capacity, resists high vibration and shock. Male Cable Connector Kits with Plastic Hoods. The largest connector with a rugged construction, providing the www. Archer connectors are based on a miniaturized half-pitch version of the M20 2. Mates with female connectors shown on pages 38, 39, 41, 42, 44 and 46 to 50. 1 www. These Catalog pages are provided for reference only. com 23 Female Crimp Part numbers are for housings and the equivalent number of contacts. Pin headers can be cut to smaller sizes. Mates with male connectors on pages 27 to 33. 50 min 4. Fully rugged construction to withstand shock and vibration, but compact and lightweight Check www. 75 min R5. Choose Harwin for PCB Connectors, High-Reliability Connectors & EMC Shielding. 50 6. Screws 2 x A C D B 2. Can be used with Strain Relief straps: order code M80-0030006. Select one of the categories to find the www. com for availability. com 74 Datamate Connectors Panel mount version, with Jackscrew fixings for attachment to panels. Female crimp contacts pre-assembled with a choice of wire sizes and lengths. 7+7 Pos. com 222 All dimensions in mm. Designed to meet the highest standards, these connectors ensure robust, long-lasting connections in mission-critical applications. Order codes for reeled contacts refer to one reel of 10,000 contacts. Polarised to prevent mis-mating. 05 55. 65 B 5. com 87 POSITIONEr HAND CrIMP TOOL HAND CrIMP TOOL HAND CrIMP TOOL oRDeR CoDe Female Signal Barrel Crimp, Male L-Tek Crimp t5747 Male J-Tek, Mix-Tek Signal Crimp Z80-193 Inner contact of Mix-Tek coax contacts Z80-291 Standard circular crimp tool. S1751-46R. 50 Tail 2. 5mm tail L1 Horizontal PC Tail, 3mm tail (Male only) L2 Horizontal PC Tail, 4. For swaging tool, change order code prefix to Z, and suffix to 00 (example Z9001-00). Suitable for wire sizes 22 to 30 AWG. Suitable for use with male connectors shown on page 102. Tape and reel option available – contact technical@harwin. 53mm. HOw TO OrDEr uNLATCHED recommended PC Board Pattern Harwin plc Subject: Harwin Connector Catalog - Issue 60 Created Date: 20130208162500Z www. connector pin no. com 28 Male Double row Vertical PC Tail Polarised mouldings. Supplied with Strain Relief straps: order code M80-0030006. They are ideal for systems that require consistent and dependable performance, even under extreme conditions. 1 position identified on moulding. com 30 Male Double row Horizontal PC Tail Mates with female connectors on pages 21 to 24. 100") P ITCH M20 Connectors Female Crimp Housing and Contacts Suitable for use with male connectors shown on pages 127 to 134. 32+32 contacts supports an 8-bit system. Recommended panel/bulkhead thickness is 1. 00 B Recommended PC Board Pattern A B All dimensions in mm. com 8 Gecko Patent Pending – UK 1205109. 25 mm (. Twin-leaf phosphor bronze contacts. of contacts per Male PCB Connectors 197 Tooling 198. 1 contact Tail C B 2. of contacts - 2 LOCKINg LATCH FrICTION LATCH recommended PC Board Datamate Connectors www. 56mm. 54 x www. 079") PITCH M22 Connectors Suitable for use with male connectors shown on pages 129 to 134. Compatible with Ø0. 50 3. of contacts per www. S2761-46R. Female Crimp Housings and Contacts HOW TO ORDER SINGLE ROW DOUBLE ROW CONTACTS HAND Product Datasheets. 50 18. 80 19. For spare crimp contacts, see page 65. Retention by swaging or ”star” feature available. Suitable for use with female connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 140 to 145. Male Crimp with Metal www. 0A per contact Voltage proof: 500V AC Contact resistance: 30mΩ max Insulation resistance: 1,000MΩ min Mechanical www. Twin-leaf phosphor bronze contacts supplied loose or on reels, rear insertable into housing. 00 B Recommended PC Board Pattern A B www. Suitable for a variety of mating pin lengths. oRDeR CoDe Barrel Signal crimps for L-Tek, J-Tek & Mix-Tek Z80-280 INSErTION/rEMOVAL www. 90 1. Dummy contacts for additional polarisation use order code M80-023. com 193 S P a C er S Standard lengths available from 3 to 30mm. M20 Connectors Male Vertical Single Row PC Tail 7. 55 5. com 154 All dimensions in mm. 54mm pitch connectors for board-to-board and cable-to-board applications. 778mm pitch, Ø0. 100") P ITCH M20 Connectors A comprehensive range of 2. uNLATCHED CALCULAtion A B + 5. At 1. Part numbers are for a housing and the equivalent number of contacts. 00mm pitch SMT male and female connectors for board-to-board stacking. 0 (see order code) table 2: twisted pair cable configurations wiring for example part no. 2mm mating length also suitable for use with female crimp connectors shown on page 128. Optional pick and place cap. Fuse socket accepts leads of Ø0. Polarised mouldings. com 192 Shorting links Ø1mm Shorting link Plugs Choice of insulated or un-insulated links. HOW TO ORDER MAlE fEMAlE CalCulation a 2. Spare contacts available, see page 34. 50 Recommended www. 00mm pitch High-Reliability, high performance connector range from Harwin. com 82 Datamate Connectors siGnAL ContACt styLe 00 No Signal Contacts t1 Vertical PC Tail, 3mm tail t2 Vertical PC Tail, 4. 00 A Ø0. Positive keyway polarisation features. With space and weight a consideration for many high-reliability www. 00 5. 54 x These Catalog pages are provided for reference only. For Polarising Key use order code M20-003. com 27 HOw TO OrDEr Polarised mouldings. Please consult drawings for specifications. For cable-to-board and board-to-board applications. No. Can be used with PCB sockets (page 172) for hardware programming www. 54 x (No. Suitable for use with male connectors shown on pages 129 to 134. com 2 mm (. PVC insulated multi-strand tinned copper equipment wire to UL1571. 27mm (. 30 5. metric Spacers Clearance spacers ClearanCe SPaCerS hoW To order rXX - XXX XX XX Datamate Connectors www. Single row pin headers can be cut into smaller sizes. Female Crimp Housing and Contacts tyPe aWG orDer CoDe Reeled 26 – 30 M30-1050046 Loose 26 – 30 M30-1060046 HOUSING HAND www. Ready for assembling to housings on page 8. 00 Ø0. com Datamate Connectors Introduction Datamate Signal Datamate Mix-Tek Datamate is a 2mm pitch High-Reliability, high performance connector range from Harwin. Insulated links supplied in a variety of colours, with a high-performance gold finish. 5 B 2. Kit, Jackscrews www. World-class quality manufacturer. With a passion for solving connection challenges Harwin provides amazing global support and agile response to your needs. 778 ø0. Barrel Crimp contacts are supplied with the connectors (page 23) – use the order codes below for extra crimps. com 159 B+4. 54 mm (. Please consult the applicable Drawings and Specifications online for the latest technical data. com 67 Low-force 4-finger Beryllium Copper contact clip. All dimensions in mm. Spring probe design for maintaining a positive force against the Datamate Connectors www. The connector is polarised to prevent mis-matching and can be produced with a Choose Harwin for PCB Connectors, High-Reliability Connectors & EMC Shielding. 049") P ITCH M30 Connectors A range of 1. 20 B 2. 60 B Total no. 54mm pitch series. 50 Tail 5. Building on the Datamate series design, these connectors increase the power-handling capacity in a larger contact size, www. For polarising key use order code M22-0340000. Male Vertical Double Row PC Tail 2. All contacts are gold finish for full RoHS compliance. 20 3. SINGLE ROW DOUBLE Datamate Connectors www. com Asia Pacific E: technical-asia@harwin. 50 2. 4. 54 3. 00 8. technical@harwin. Crimp barrel meets all crimp guidelines and standards. 54 0. 20 4. com 38 Fully shrouded contacts. 20 No. Loose or reeled contacts. PC/104 Connectors A range of bus connectors compatible with the PC/104 industry standard for embedded PC applications, designed for stacking boards with a common bus. 00 1. Materials. Title: Harwin Datasheet-Archer Author: Harwin Plc Created Date: www. Male Vertical www. Contact datamate@harwin. Solder Cup Tail suitable for 26 AWG cable. Female Crimp Contacts TrIO-TEK BArrEL CrIMP HOw TO OrDEr 14. Gecko connectors www. 05”) technical@harwin. 00 B A ø0. 1. The datasheets listed below include a summary of the product family along with links to technical documentation, product training modules and test reports. Locating pegs on double row, to ensure correct positioning onto the board. -55°C to +125°C Stocked in depth across Harwin's authorized distributor network Industrial: factory and mobile machinery, control panels and sub-systems are manufactured from Halogen-free and Red-Phosphorus-free glass-filled thermoplastic and all connectors are fully RoHS compliant. com 9 Gecko Patent Pending – UK 1205109. 50 1. 5mm tail (Male only) C1 Crimp 24-28 AWG (Small Bore) D1 Crimp 22 AWG (Large Bore) e1 Crimp 28-32 AWG (Extra Small Bore) s1 Vertical Datamate Mix-Tek Connectors www. Mates with male connectors shown on pages 69 and 70. Gull wing SMT tails simplify inspection process. 50 A 6. Gecko is a 1. com. A range of cable-to-board connectors on 1. 300. Suitable for a variety of PCB thicknesses from 1. Suitable for use with male connectors on pages 146 to 152. com 130 2 mm (. 079") PITCH M22 Connectors Suitable for use with female PCB connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 125 to 127. com 132 2 mm (. Large Bore 22 AWG, Small Bore 24 – 28 AWG. 20+20 contacts combined with 32+32 contacts supports a 16-bit system. com 63 Male Crimp Extended w all Extended Wall Datamate allows back potting to be performed. 6mm to 3. 25mm pitch male and female connectors, for cable-to-board applications. com 126 2 mm (. The range has a proven track record for performance under extreme conditions, and complies with British Standard 9525-F0033. Contacts are rear insertable. 039") PITCH HOW TO ORDER MALE FEMALE CalCulation a B + 7 www. Twin beam contact for cost-effective reliability. com 22 Optional pick and place pad. 50 No. Industrial Electronic Connectors; Vibration-resistant connectors ideal for Aerospace, Defense, Motorsport; Board Level Shielding for EMI/RFI. 90 2. com 88 oRDeR CoDe L-Tek Z80-299 SEPArATOr TOOL SCrEwDrIVEr E-CLIP TOOL To aid removal of special cable contacts from Mix-Tek connectors. 54 x Datamate Connectors www. com 174 IC S OCKETS IC Sockets Modular Single Row Male & f emale Connectors can be cut to smaller sizes. Locating pegs to ensure correct positioning onto the board. 00mm pitch - SMT male connectors and cable female connectors in single and double row options. Vibration and shock resistant, compact power future-proofed. 1 Datamate Connectors www. Hello, how can we help you? If you A range of bus connectors compatible with the PC/104 industry standard for embedded PC applications, designed for stacking boards with a common bus. of contacts per row B 2. Back potting & cable assembly service available, contact datamate@harwin. 118 Recommended PC Board Pattern All dimensions in mm. 50 Ø0. 5mm tail (Male only) C1 Crimp 24-28 AWG (Small Bore) D1 Crimp 22 AWG (Large Bore) e1 Crimp 28-32 AWG (Extra Small Bore) s1 Vertical Discover all CAD files of the "HARWIN" category from Supplier-Certified Catalogs SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, Creo, CATIA, Solid Edge, autoCAD, Revit and many more CAD software but also as STEP, STL, IGES, STL, DWG, DXF and more neutral CAD formats. 50mm mating pins – see table below. M22 Connectors Harwin’s high-reliability connectors are engineered for performance in demanding environments such as aerospace, defense, and medical sectors. For British Standard versions see pages 18 to 19. com M40 Connectors Vertical Surface Mount A range of double row 1. com for tape & reel options. Order samples, download 3D CAD models. com Americas E: technical-us@harwin. Harwin is a world-leading specialist in reliable and high-performance technologies for demanding interconnection applications. 00 3. of contacts - 3) x 2/3 C B + 9 www. 64 square 7. Large bore 22AWG, small bore 24 – 28 AWG. Harwin focuses on quality, safety and technology at their UK headquarters which carries EN 9100 / AS9100D certification. 00 Ø1. 54 Datamate Connectors www. Mates with male connectors shown on pages 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 63 and 64. 00 C D 9. 5mm pitch). 100") P ITCH M20 Connectors Male Horizontal Single Row PC Tail Horizontal orientation for 90° board-to-board applications. SMT HARDWARE. 0 cable connectors – Individual c ontacts 4-finger Beryllium Copper contact on a female connector. Mates with female connectors on pages 21 to 24. 0mm 2. 50 5. com 29 Mates with female connectors on pages 21 to 24. For assembling E-Clips supplied with J-Tek hooded connectors. M22-552 also suitable for use with female crimp connectors shown on page 128. com 6 Gecko Patent Pending – UK 1205109. harwin. TOOLS Recommended Crimp tool – M22520/2-01 www. g125-fd10805f1-0150f1 twisted pair no. 1 contact B Datamate Connectors www. M300 Series is a 3. 40 6. For alternative pin lengths see pin header variants on page 134. com 191 PCB Terminal S Turned Terminals Material: brass with tin plating. Plastic material: Nylon 66 UL94V-2. 40 M2. 40 to 0. 50mm pitch High-Reliability, high performance connector range from Harwin. 00mm HIGH 1. 00 B Recommended PC Board Pattern A B Panel Connectors 217 Accessories 218. order Code H9001-01 H9004-01 H2121-01 H9020-01 9021-01 www. turns per inch wire colour 1 1 3 white & green 5 2 2 2 white & red 6 3 3 3 white & green 7 4 4 2 white & red 8 for connectors with more than 8 signal Datamate Connectors www. Datamate J-Tek - Metal Backshells for Panel or PCB. com dim 'a' 5. com 128 2 mm (. Please consult drawings for specification. com 160 HotShoe Connectors Sealed to IP68 at 1. Male Vertical Surface Mount SINGLE ROW HOW TO ORDER DOUBLE ROW CalCulation a 2. SINGLE ROW DOUBLE www. Spare contacts are available – see page 25. 10 A B 2. 54 www. com 48 Extended Wall Datamate allows back potting to be performed. 5 x 6mm Csk. Screws 2 x HotShoe Connectors Female Connector Sealed to IP68 at 1. 80 Tail M2. 100") P ITCH M20 Connectors Suitable for use with female connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 140 to 145. com 140 2. For alternatives pin lengths, see pin header variants on page 134. 65 B A 2. www. ORDER CODE. com 33 Mates with female connectors shown on pages 21 to 24. Recommended for use on J-Tek board mount nuts. 00 A max B 3. Mates with female connectors shown on page 72. 15mm HIGH. Female Vertical Surface Mount HOw TO OrDEr DOuBLE rOw recommended PC Board Pattern 8. 039") PITCH Materials Housings SMT Connectors: High Temp Thermoplastic, UL94V-0 Harwin Find creative design solutions with Harwin’s board level EMC Shielding and SMT hardware components. Designed to mate with a spring probe connector – see page 159. oF ContACts 02 to 07, 17, 22 seRies CoDe HOw TO Harwin’s Gecko (G125 series) connectors provide a low profile, dual row cable-to-board and board-to-board interconnect solution, ideally suited for stacking and cable mating in areas where PCB real estate is at a premium. Female DIL 22 AWG Cable Conn. 54 x No. of contacts per Datamate Connectors www. S2751-46R. Part numbers are for housings and the equivalent number of contacts. Choice of mating pin lengths or specify your own pin headers (see page 152). Dual Entry – connectors can be used for both top and bottom entry. Precision tool with ratchet mechanism and 8-indent form. 079") PITCH Suitable for use with female PCB connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 125 to 127. com 2. com 146 2. Male Single row Vertical PC Tail A max B 2. Withstands extremes of temperature: -65˚C to +150˚C. 100") P ITCH M20 Connectors For alternative pin lengths, see pin header variants on page 152. of contacts per . SINgLE rOw DOuBLE rOw HOw TO OrDEr 2. SHRINK DIP IC SOCKET fUSE SOCKET HOW TO ORDER 1. 10 Ø0. PC/104, PC/104 P LUS 2. Kona is a 8. com 148 2. Datamate Connectors www. 2mm. Socket accepts mating pin Ø0. 100") P ITCH Suitable for use with female connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 140 to 145. 04 3. Male Connector HoW To oRDER PC TAIL Recommended PC Board Pattern Recommended Panel Cut-out tYPe 704 PC Tail 706 Solder www. 1 mm (. 5m. Order code is for one reel of 15,000 contacts. Improving on the popular 2mm pitch Datamate series, and harnessing the modern technology of micro-machining, this The ultimate Hi-Rel connector for power handling capability and voltage flashover resistance. 54 A B 0. Female Pc Tail & Surface Mount Pc TAIL SURFAce MoUNT HoW To oRDeR www. 85 4. Female Vertical PC Tail wITHOuT JACKSCrEwS HOw TO OrDEr wITH JACKSCrEwS C B 2. Browse all products. 41 to 0. 40mm HIGH 1. 00 Tail M2 3. 039") PITCH Materials Housings: High Temp Thermoplastic, UL94V-0 Contacts Male: Brass Female: Phosphor Bronze Finish: Gold Electrical Current: 1. Utilises the Datamate four finger Beryllium Copper Suitable for use with male connectors shown on page 102. 00 2. For crimp and insertion tools, see pages 87 to 89. 40 18. Crimp contacts are rear insertable. SINGLE ROW DOUBLE ROW HOW TO ORDER www. com 105 Metal Backshell Accessories Metal Backshells that can be used with any female cable connector (up to 12AWG), or male connectors with board mount jackscrews. Suitable for use with female connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages www. Suitable for use with female connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages Gecko connectors www. 0 mm (. 079") PITCH M22 Connectors Dual entry socket can be used in either top or bottom entry applications and has locating pegs to ensure correct positioning onto the board. 40 Tail No. M40-310/320 Connectors Specification 1 mm (. Male Single row Horizontal PC Tail Finish 05 Gold 22 Gold + Tin/Lead 42 Gold + Tin 45 Gold totAL no. 00 Holes www. 32+32 contacts supports an 8 The connector is intended for use as a low voltage connector in high packing density electronic equipment. com 31 Contact datamate@harwin. Aluminium spacers: supplied with a chromate conversion protective coating. Fully shrouded contacts. 079") PITCH M22 Connectors Male Horizontal PC Tail Suitable for use with female PCB connectors and jumper sockets shown on pages 125 to 127. ngftx gdix tnyuwv jxcsbs sqiwkad hrpoxca wdba lrs uydsh wed lgujkgnk savj wyew gzh kgag