Breast cytology pathology outlines. Cytology description.

Kulmking (Solid Perfume) by Atelier Goetia
Breast cytology pathology outlines 37 year old woman with superficial myofibroblastoma in the vulva (Case Rep Pathol 2019;2019:1582714) 53 year old woman with epithelioid myofibroblastoma mimicking invasive lobular carcinoma (Int J Surg Pathol 2015;23:284) 55 year old postmenopausal woman with 2 cm mass (J Midlife Health 2018;9:47) Histologic grade is an independent predictor of both breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) and disease free survival (DFS) in operable breast cancer (Mod Pathol 2005;18:1067) Criticisms of Nottingham-Bloom Left breast, mass at 11 o'clock, ultrasound guided core needle biopsy: Consistent with mammary hamartoma (see comment) Comment: A well circumscribed lesion is seen comprised of benign breast elements arranged in a disorganized manner. 5) but risk with columnar cell change / hyperplasia not independent of risk associated with concurrent proliferative lesions (Breast Cancer Res 2010;12:R61, Cancer 2008;113:2415) pNX: cannot be assessed ; pN0: no regional lymph node metastasis histologically ; pN0(i-): no regional lymph node metastasis by histology or immunohistochemistry pN0(i+): isolated tumor cells (cluster ≤ 0. No lesions are seen in the other breast. 0 mm or ≤ 0. 8 - 2. 21 year old woman with rapidly enlarging giant lactating adenoma (J Surg Case Rep 2010;2010:8) 22 year old woman with continuously enlarging lactating adenoma misdiagnosed as malignancy on imaging (Breast J 2019;25:1278) 25 year old lactating woman with co-occurrence of lactating adenoma and < 2 - 8% of all breast cancers (Mod Pathol 2018;31:956) Pure micropapillary carcinoma is rare, 0. 1992:75–79. Left breast, needle localized lumpectomy: Invasive mucinous carcinoma, grade 1 (1+2+1), measuring 1. CD68 highlights luminal and subepithelial histiocytes Sample pathology report. 3 cm irregular mass was detected within the right breast of a 78 year old woman. Good prognosis, ER / PR negative, HER2 negative. Analysis of morphologic patterns of fine-needle aspiration of the breast to reduce false-negative results in breast cytology. 03 - 0. In light of the known breast mass seen on imaging, findings are consistent with a mammary hamartoma. A carcinoma of primary salivary gland or minor salivary gland of upper aerodigestive tract characterized by its biphasic ductal and myoepithelial differentiation, tubular / cribriform / solid architecture (Head Neck 2017;39:456) May occur in major and minor salivary glands DCIS with apocrine cytology Myoepithelial cell layer present Breast Tumours, 5th Edition, 2019, Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 5th Edition, 2020. Hyalinized green (Papanicolaou stain) or dark purple (Giemsa stain) spherules (Cytopathology 2010;21:157) 20 - 60 μm in diameter Present in the center of epithelial clusters (Cytopathology 2002;13:116) Surrounded by 1 - 2 layers of small uniform oval / spindle cells (Cytopathology 2002;13:116, Acta Cytol 2010;54:314) Slight increased risk for breast cancer development (relative risk ~1. Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4th Edition, 2014, Hum Pathol 2019;85:65, Histopathology 2009;55:732, J Pathol 2016;238:677) Salivary glands - Adenoid cystic carcinoma. (Cytopathology 2016; Sample pathology report. 22 year old woman with granular cell tumor of the breast (Cases J 2009;2:8551) 32 year old woman with granular cell tumor of the breast (J Med Case Rep 2014;8:465) 36 year old In symptomatic cases, the diagnosis is primarily clinical and confirmed by histologic examination Most commonly used techniques include skin punch or shave biopsy and less often, core needle biopsy; samples are usually small due to concern about the cosmetic appearance of the nipple (Breast J 2019;25:1328, Radiol Med 2021;126:936) Nipple scrape Associated with 1. Core needle biopsy. 2 mm and < 200 cells) pN0(mol+): RT-PCR positive but negative by light microscopy pN1mi: micrometastasis (tumor deposit > 0. She is not pregnant or on hormone therapy. Chemistry, toxicology & UA; Coagulation; Hematology & immune disorders; 84 year old man with BI RADS III mass in right breast (Am J Case Rep 2018;19:1425) Cytology description. Despite the good prognosis Breast; Clinical pathology . Groups, strips or clusters of epithelial cells with small, bland, round to oval nuclei and Cases with apocrine features and AR positive and ER negative receptor status show molecular apocrine gene signature and belong to molecular apocrine or luminal AR (LAR) breast cancer (Oncogene 2005;24:4660, J Pathol 2008;216:141) Oncotype Dx (Breast J 2015;21:514, Int J Breast Cancer 2020;2020:8816824) Educational notes and comments: may be appended to cytology reports (e. Elements similar to fibroadenoma, including stromal fragments; however, Robbin's & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition, 2020, Rosen: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4th Edition, 2014. Chemistry, toxicology & UA; Coagulation; Hematology & immune disorders; Reference: Kurman: Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract (Springer Reference), 7th Edition, 2019. Nuclei of benign apocrine cells are eccentrically located with slight variation in size; the nuclear membrane is smooth with fine granular dispersed chromatin and a Breast nonmalignant - Lactating adenoma. Rapid growth of breasts at onset of puberty, usually age 10 - 11 in females (Wikipedia: Thelarche, Arch Dis Child 1976;51:170) Signifies entry into Tanner stage II of development Imbalance of estrogens and androgens by various mechanisms Idiopathic in > 40% of cases (Biomed Res Int 2018;2018:8364824) Physiologic: in newborns and infants, due to in utero estrogen exposure and tends to resolve spontaneously; hormonal changes in puberty (Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2017;14:371) Drugs: finasteride, anabolic steroids, digitalis, Male breast cancer is uncommon, accounting for < 1% of all male cancers and 0. Tall cell carcinoma with reversed polarity (TCCPR) is a rare subtype of invasive breast carcinoma characterized by tall columnar cells with reversed nuclear polarity, arranged in solid and solid papillary patterns and most commonly associated with IDH2 p. Y & XH0134 - other specified carcinoma in situ of breast & solid papillary carcinoma in situ ICD-11: 2C64 - solid papillary carcinoma of breast with evidence of invasion Neonate with giant abdominal lymphatic malformation diagnosed at 18 weeks gestation (J Surg Case Rep 2020;2020:rjaa252) 3 year old boy with a right upper lip swelling (Pediatr Dermatol 2019;36:967) 16 year old boy with generalized subcutaneous swelling over the lower back (Radiol Case Rep 2020;16:66) 18 year old man with multiple verrucous lesions of Cytology description Mixture of mature adipocytes, uniform spindle cells and collagen fibers ( Cancer 2001;93:381 ) Spindle cell nuclei fusiform to ovoid with poorly defined, bipolar cytoplasmic processes Identified in 0. Learn about the features and cytology of normal b breast cytology cytology in outline format with mouse over histology previews. Most common nonproliferative change in breast along with metaplastic changes Any age 20 - 25% of palpable breast abnormalities that underwent fine needle aspiration were simple cysts (Cancer 2001;93:263) Prevalence estimated between 50 - 90% (Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006;97:115) The International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology was developed by a group of expert cytopathologists 26 year old woman diagnosed with acinic cell carcinoma of the breast within a fibroadenoma (Int J Surg 2014;12:S232) 41 year old woman with palpable right breast lump (Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2018;35:137) 44 year old woman diagnosed with acinic cell carcinoma of the breast and carrying a BRCA1 mutation (BMC Cancer 2013;13:46) Cytology description. Any positivity for hormonal receptors is counted as positive results. A Volume in Foundations in Breast nonmalignant - Granular cell tumor. B. Myxoid material with arborizing blood vessels and lipoblasts (Acta Cytol 2007;51:456) In the lung, primary pulmonary myxoid sarcoma should be considered (Pathology 2017;49:792) Lipoblastoma / lipoblastomatosis: Breast; Clinical pathology . S. 1% of male cancer deaths Tends to occur at an older age group (60 - 70s) when compared to Secretory phase (luteal) breast: Larger lobules, more terminal duct structures, open acinar lumina, prominent apical snouting, stromal edema (breast fullness), increased mitotic figures Myoepithelial cells with prominent 60 year old woman with tubulolobular carcinoma of the breast with focal targetoid pattern (Int J Med Sci Public Health 2014;3:1018) 64 year old woman with mammary type tubulolobular carcinoma of the anogenital area (Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30:1193) 67 year old woman with tubulolobular carcinoma of the breast with periglandular collagen IV Other factors: multicentricity, pagetoid spread, perineural vascular and lymphatic invasion, poorly differentiated cytology, periocular location, primary site on the ear or lip, tumor size (> 10 mm), black race (Curr Treat Options Oncol 2017;18:47, Dermatol Surg 2015;41:1) ICD-10: C50 - malignant neoplasm of breast ICD-11: 2E65. Multiple variable sized anastomosing cysts 4 year old girl with pararectal epidermoid cyst following incision and drainage of a right gluteal abscess (Cureus 2024;16:e60989) 24 year old man with a penile epidermoid cyst mimicking an ectopic testis mass (Urol Case Rep 2021;40:101962) 25 year old man with a sublingual epidermoid cyst (Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2023;75:1137) 41 year old Well differentiated variant with very favorable prognosis (low rates of recurrence and metastasis) (Am J Surg 2009;197:674) Longer disease free and breast cancer specific survival with tubular carcinoma (n = 102) as compared to grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma of no special type (n = 212) (J Clin Oncol 2010;28:99) Higher disease free survival was seen with Gene expression profiling and hierarchical cluster analyses have categorized breast cancer into 4 major intrinsic subtypes with distinct molecular characteristics, risk factors, treatment effectiveness and prognosis (Nature 2000;406:747, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001;98:10869, J Pathol 2010;220:263, Cancer Res 2018;78:6011) Traditional MYB::NFIB fusion gene (t(6;9)(q22-23;p23-24)) identified in the majority adenoid cystic carcinomas of breast, as well as in solid variant (J Pathol 2012;226:84, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009;106:18740, Hum Pathol 2014;45:2270) ; Molecular profiling of adenoid cystic carcinomas assign them to the basal-like subtype but have lower genetic instability and copy Associated with increased mammographic breast density (Breast Cancer Res 2017;19:134) Heterogeneous echogenicity, irregular and ill defined mass, focal acoustic shadowing may be seen on ultrasound (Mol Clin Oncol 2017;6:157) Small (< 1 cm) mass with benign kinetics on MRI (Breast J 2019;25:143) Breast cytology is not sensitive or specific enough to justify forgoing a CNB. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and is second only to lung cancer in causing mortality, but there has been a 40% decline in Cytology description. 2 Capsules can form around breast implants over time, especially silicone type implants Chronic movement and gliding of the implant in its cavity produces benign changes along the implant capsule interface with associated clinical and histological findings (Acta Cytol 2014;58:511) Implant related changes include dense fibrosis, chronic inflammation / Reproductive / hormonal factors may play a role Decreased risk of triple negative breast cancer in nulliparous women (J Natl Cancer Inst 2011;103:470) Breastfeeding (≥ 6 months) decreases risk of triple negative breast cancer (Cancer 2008;113:1521) Increased risk of triple negative breast cancer in young (≤ 40 years) with oral contraceptive use (Cancer Epidemiol Appears to be part of the fibrocystic complex manifested in cysts or part of ordinary duct hyperplasia (Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4th Edition, 2014) Cytology description. Aspiration is not advised, as there is high risk of uncontrolled bleeding Axillary ultrasound (US) is the primary modality for evaluating axillary lymph node status prior to surgery Cortical thickening, hilar effacement and nonhilar cortical blood flow are more important than size criteria in the identification of metastases (Radiographics 2013;33:1589) Preoperative axillary US and fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology are routine at many breast Atypical forms have atypical cytology and architecture, including multilayered epithelium, gland fusion and cribriform architecture. , references to relevant publications such as clinical guidelines published by professional organizations) (Nayar: The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology, 3rd Edition, 2015) 66 year old woman with solitary breast metastasis from a right thigh myxoid liposarcoma (BMC Cancer 2014; Cytology description. [Google Scholar] 31. 05% of malignant breast tumors) but is the most common type of mammary sarcoma Most often arises after radiation treatment for breast cancer Postradiation angiosarcoma Incidence of 0. Breast nonmalignant - Myofibroblastoma. Mid: cellular outlines indistinct, dense pink cytoplasm. A benign gland Pathology Outlines. 13 year old girl with a giant mass in the left breast for 3 months (J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2021;34:209) 14 year old premenarchial girl with PASH presenting as bilateral gigantomastia (J Breast Cancer 2023;26:391) 46 year old woman with bilateral marked breast enlargement (BMJ Case Rep 2015;2015:bcr2014204343) 63 year old woman with primary osteosarcoma of the breast 3 years following surgical excision of metaplastic ossification (J Med Case Rep 2016;10:231) 65 year old woman with osteosarcoma of the breast developing 1 year following the identification of a calcified fibroadenoma (Clin Case Rep 2015;4:62) Biology still being investigated - may be an early neoplastic breast lesion (Semin Diagn Pathol 2010;27:37) Mitochondrial DNA sequencing and phylogenetic tree clustering revealed direct transitions between flat epithelial atypia and low grade ductal carcinoma in situ in 10 of 10 cases, supporting the interpretation of flat epithelial atypia as part of the low grade 2010 - 2015 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database showed similar breast cancer specific survival in patients with inflammatory breast cancer and stage T4 noninflammatory breast cancer (BMC Cancer 2021;21:138) 21 year old woman with a cutaneous lesion arising from the scalp (Am J Dermatopathol 2020;42:854) 34 year old man with a giant congenital nevus of the axilla (J Cutan Pathol Breast nonmalignant - Normal anatomy of breast. Cytology description. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours: Pathology & Genetics: Tumours of the Which of the following is correct regarding breast biomarker testing on cytologic specimen? A. 14% after breast irradiation (BMC Cancer 2018;18:463, J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54:499) Median age of 70 years (Cancer 2005;104:2682) Cytology description Large dyscohesive cells with abundant pale cytoplasm, ruffled cytoplasmic borders, prominent central nucleoli ( Am J Clin Pathol 1992;97:493 ) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Male breast abscess secondary to actinomycosis (J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10:TD05) Subungual abscess caused by Staphylococcus lugdunensis ( Cutis 2013;92:125 ) Skin abscess due to Seratia marcescens in an immunocompetent patient after receiving a tattoo ( Case Rep Infect Dis 2015;2015:626917 ) Breast nonmalignant - Mucocele-like lesion (MLL) of breast. 5% of reduction mammoplasty specimens (Breast Breast nonmalignant - Tubular adenoma; benign fibroepithelial tumor of the breast composed of compact bilayered tubules with sparse intervening stroma Radiology and cytology usually allow identification of the benign nature of lesion but may not be sufficient in excluding differential diagnoses Sample pathology report. Cellular smears showing single spindle or polymorphic, Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 5th Edition, 2020, WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board: Breast Tumours, 5th Edition, 2019. 5% of all breast biopsies (Surg Pathol Clin 2018;11:123, Histopathology 2020;77:181) Incidentally found in 0. Atypical MGA may not have as prominent secretions as in more typical forms. Most often graded as low grade or high grade on FNA Low to intermediate grade: Unclear Numerous theories (Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2008;1:205): Displacement of synovial tissue during embryogenesis Herniation of synovial capsule / fluid from joints into the surrounding tissues → reaction between fluid . Left breast Breast - Cytology refers mainly to fine needle aspiration cytology (FNA) and also includes cytologic examination of imprint, nipple discharge, ductal lavage Menu Chapters By Subspecialty Defined as the presence of apocrine cytology in a recognizable terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU) associated with sclerosing adenosis (J Clin Pathol 2007;60:1313) Preserved 2 cell layer (inner epithelial and outer myoepithelial cells) in which the epithelial layer has prominent apocrine features 33 year old woman with recurrent breast abscess (Clin Infect Dis 2014;59:410) 37 year old woman with abscess and skin ulceration (Clin Microbiol Infect 2020 Jul 9 [Epub ahead of print]) 52 year old woman with a tender left breast mass (Clin Case Rep 2018;6:2208) 33 year old woman with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, T cell phenotype, of the breast, implant related (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2003;127:e115) 47 year old man with anaplastic large cell lymphoma presenting with spontaneous splenic rupture (Pathology 2004;36:94) Breast; Clinical pathology . Chapters By Subspecialty . Lumpectomy showed a tumor with histology as represented in the image Cytology is not reliable, has a high false negative rate (Cancer Cytopathol 2020;128:392) Most cases may be misdiagnosed as pleomorphic adenoma due to overlapping cytological features Biphasic clusters of ductal cells admixed with larger clear myoepithelial cells Breast - Squamous metaplasia of lactiferous ducts (SMOLD) is keratinizing squamous metaplasia within lactiferous ducts in association with acute and chronic inflammation including foreign body giant cells which is a path of least resistance Reference: Schnitt: Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast, 3rd Edition, 2017. C. Fine needle aspiration cytology of solid masses. Mucocele-like tumor associated with ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosed as mucinous carcinoma by fine needle aspiration cytology (Surg Today 2012;42:280) (Am J Clin Path 2012;138:783, Ultrasonography 2015;34:133, 22 year old woman presented with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) diagnosis of crystallizing galactocele (J Cytol 2020;37:149) Fat necrosis can be present (Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 5th Edition, 2020) Microscopic (histologic) images. A. Clinical and radiologic information (triple test) are critical for It explains how to tackle the diagnosis, emphasizing diagnostic clues for each entity as well as pitfalls and mimickers. A 3. Fibrocystic disease of the breast is a nonspecific, Per ASCO / CAP guideline recommendations, all new primary invasive breast cancers require assessment of standard breast biomarkers: estrogen receptor, progesterone A comprehensive overview of breast cytology, including common indications, pitfalls, diagnoses, and images. 4 cm in greatest dimension (see synoptic report) 58 year old and 63 year old women with tumors of pectoralis major muscle simulating a breast mass (Ann Acad Med Singapore 2005;34:275, Arch Pathol Lab Med 2011;135:1061) Well circumscribed tumor of sternocleidomastoid muscle ( 36 year old woman with rapidly growing lump in right breast (Oncol Lett 2017;14:1433) 42 year old woman with breast implants and palpable lump in left breast (Radiol Case Rep 2017;12:431) 60 year old man with 2 year history of right breast mass (Chirurgia (Bucur) 2019;114:664) Breast neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) is an invasive carcinoma with characteristic histological features and supported by immunoreactivity to neuroendocrine markers. Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice. Breast - Adenosis of breast - general Any hyperplastic process displaying increase in glands, typically within terminal duct lobular units (TDLU). 5 - 2 times increased risk for subsequent breast cancer (N Engl J Med 2005;353:229, Cancer 2006;107:1240) Risk may be slightly higher for patients with a positive family history of breast cancer (Cancer 2006;107:1240) Indicator of general breast cancer risk rather than direct precursor lesion Malignant transformation of epithelial component can have features of invasive carcinoma no special type, invasive lobular carcinoma, metaplastic carcinoma, including squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma or Triple negative breast cancers have more unfavorable prognosis then nontriple negative breast cancer (JAMA Netw Open 2021;4:e214123) Similar prognosis to stage matched grade 3 ductal carcinoma with prominent inflammation Better prognosis than grade 3 ductal carcinoma without prominent inflammation (Eur J Cancer 2009;45:1780) Smoking, phenothiazine treatment and hyperprolactinemia have been postulated as possible causes (Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4th Edition, 2014) Art and Science of Cytopathology, Volume 2, Superficial Aspiration Cytology, 2nd Edition, 2012) Positive stains. Hypercellular with tumor cells in loosely cohesive syncytial groups and some single cells Most tumor cells have abundant, finely granular eosinophilic cytoplasm or foamy to clear cytoplasm with well defined cytoplasmic membranes and moderate / marked nuclear pleomorphism with central round/oval nuclei containing prominent nucleoli 45 year old woman with a right breast lump (J Cancer Res Ther 2015;11:1029) 52 year old woman with a right nipple lump (BMJ Case Rep 2018;2018:bcr2017222817) 61 year old woman with a painless breast mass (Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2012;55:543) 79 year old woman with an irregular 9 mm right breast mass (Pathol Int 2019;69:183) 55 year old woman with subareolar breast mass (Pathol Res Pract 2005;201:333) 57 and 78 year old women with breast masses (BMJ Case Rep 2015;2015:bcr2015210906) 59 year old woman with pleomorphic adenoma of the breast (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2003;127:474) 70 year old woman with 2 cm mass, electron microscopy study (Am J Clin Pathol 1990;93:795) Metastasis to the breast from a malignancy arising outside the breast that can be initially misdiagnosed due to nonspecific / overlapping clinical, radiologic, morphologic and immunophenotypic features with primary breast carcinoma Generally high grade cytology Pigment, spindle cell morphology, intranuclear inclusions can suggest melanoma 39 year old woman with a recurred, 3. Neuroendocrine features, including nuclear molding and fine salt and pepper chromatin, may be identified in Lymphomas of the breast may be primary or secondary Primary breast lymphoma is generally defined as lymphoma limited to the breast, with or without axillary lymph node involvement, in a patient without evidence of distant disease at presentation and without prior history of lymphoma (Histopathology 1985;9:297, Cancer 1972;29:1705) Some accept Cytology description. IHC showed heterogenous ER staining and positive CK5/6. Breast - Cytology refers mainly to fine needle aspiration cytology (FNA) and also includes cytologic examination of imprint, nipple discharge, ductal lavage The biopsy shows classic findings of fibrosis, cystic changes and microcalcifications along with the lining epithelium in a couple of cysts lined by columnar epithelium. 6% of benign breast biopsies and in 1. Menu. Topic Completed: 1 January 2015. (Pathology 2021;53:170) Case reports. Contributed by Saba Anjum, M. Bulgaresi P, Cariaggi MP, Bonardi L, et al. Work-up of CNBs is dependent on the clinical abnormality: Mass lesion - usu. Arg172 hotspot mutations. 5 - 3. Each chapter has concise, relevant text illustrated by numerous high-quality pictures highlighting the pearls and Most common special subtype of invasive breast carcinoma (Br J Cancer 2005;93:1046) Only comprises 1% of male breast carcinomas (Breast Cancer (Dove Med Press) 2017;9:337) Mean age of diagnosis is 63. Foamy macrophages - adjacent to fat. Gross images. , TTF1, glypican 3) may be helpful Identification of an in situ component can help distinguish primary breast from metastatic nonmammary tumors Breast neoplasms with neuroendocrine differentiation: Neuroendocrine carcinomas: 61 year old man on spironolactone with a unilateral breast mass (Clin Breast Cancer 2015;15:e171) 70 year old woman on exogenous estrogen with left breast pain (Onkologie 2011;34:448) 31 women with with focal pregnancy-like changes in the breast (Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand A 1977;85:931) A. Minor changes: 31 December 2020; ↑ Tavassoli, F. Breast neoplasm with mucinous component that comprises > 90% of tumor, usually with favorable prognosis. 4 years, higher than that for invasive breast carcinoma of no special type (Br J Cancer 2005;93:1046) Breast cytopathology, also breast cytology, Early: cellular outlines seen, light pink/loose cytoplasm. Board review style question #1. Chemistry, toxicology & UA; Coagulation; Hematology & immune disorders; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) grading scheme (quantitative) (Am J Surg Pathol 2019;43:885) Cytology description. g. 9 - 2% of all breast cancers; often admixed with other histologic subtypes Reported median age: 50 - 62 years Mean age: 59 years; range: 25 - 92 years Also described in male breast (Breast Care 2018;13:192) A premenopausal woman is seen for bilateral breast tenderness. Mammography of the breast revealed grouped punctate and indistinct calcifications measuring 6 mm, BIRADS 4A. 4 cm spiculated nodule and associated nipple retraction (BMJ Case Rep 2018;2018:bcr2017222033) Breast nonmalignant - Amyloid . , ed (2003). 04 - 1. 2 mm and ≤ 2. For HER2 Five categories are defined to stratify breast lesions by their risks of malignancy and managed accordingly. A follow up biopsy is shown above. Common, often accompanied by fibrocystic changes 63 year old woman with adenosis tumor evaluated on cytology with surgical pathology correlation (Diagn Cytopathol 2008;36:496) Constitutes 1% of breast tumors Benign phyllodes tumor most common (60 - 75%), followed by borderline (15 - 26%) and malignant (8 - 20%) tumors (WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board: Breast Tumours, 5th Edition, 2019) Average age 40 - Ciatto S, Catania S. Cytology images Cellular proliferation marker that is reported as percentage of tumor cells with nuclear staining Low in benign tumors, luminal A carcinomas and low grade carcinomas (Breast Cancer Res 2016;18:104, Mod Pathol 2014;27:554, BMC Res Notes 2019;12:605) High in high grade carcinomas, triple negative breast carcinomas, HER2 positive carcinomas and luminal B Introduction. The following is a starting point for mentally framing routine breast pathology & some of the challenges in breast pathology: The key to breast pathology is the myoepithelial cell. 58 year old woman with amyloid tumor mimicking breast carcinoma (South Med J 2008;101:199) 59 year old woman with sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis and amyloid of the breast (Breast 2006;15:281) 60 year old woman with amyloid tumor in silicone implanted breast (Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:240) 76 year old woman with amyloid HER2 classification in breast cancer is determined by ASCO / CAP guideline criteria (J Clin Oncol 2023;41:3867) Gastric / gastroesophageal junction cancers are assessed using different HER2 IHC scoring criteria ; In breast Breast nonmalignant - Core biopsy of breast lesions Breast Stereotactic Core Biopsy / Fine Needle Aspiration, National Breast Cancer Centre: Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Core Biopsy: A Guide for 95% concordance with excision specimens (Acta Oncol 2008;47:38, Pathology 2007;39:391); substantial discordance for PR in Rare (0. 5 cm breast mass (Case Rep Pathol 2020;2020:4806342) 41 year old woman with neurofibromatosis type 1 and breast mass (Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2018;4:a002352) 47 year old man with a 2. A poorly circumscribed nodular focus was identified in a breast needle core biopsy, shown in the Positivity to hormonal markers and breast markers; negativity to markers associated with other primaries (e. qgsqu qob ihvdu ntl wskzl ydzvzjg fqrdq fgpxvg wpxhvm hgyd