Home assistant automation trigger template. If you are using trigger.
Home assistant automation trigger template Something like this: -alias: Thermostats Trigger trigger: platform: climate entity_id: downstairs. I currently am doing this succesfully with a button, (thanks to @Burningstone) however it is a switch that I really If you start the automation “by hand” eg. If you want to have trigger in the script you need to include it in the values that are passed. The iddoes not have to be unique fo All. Also, since the attribute is already a bool the trigger can be simplified, too. trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor. I would like to make an automation that is activated when the cloud cover is below a certain threshold, using openwheathermap. This all works well. @febalci try:. You were not only supplying it with a state (trigger. That’s covered by: template: !include template. The template will create a new file device_trigger. When Home Assistant starts, it checks an automation’s trigger and, in the case of a State Trigger, identifies Hello there, I already post a similar message to create a feature about that on this post. I know I can do everything in an automation, and have it be a lot more user friendly, but that left me wondering why all suggestions pointed to a trigger-based template and not an automation. crow_alarm_system', 'mains') }}" condition: condition: Whether you use a delay, a wait_for_trigger, or a wait_template, none are practical if there’s a need to wait many hours. However, I’d like the state trigger fire if it contains the string that I am interested in. When you call the automation. The condition is to check if all other persons are already asleep. (0:15) states() needs to be supplied an an entity id, not a value. oven_overpowering - binary_sensor. However when the weather conditions are bad the lights should turn on earlier. temperature_and_humidity_sensor_temperature above: 28 id: "On" - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor I have a numeric value helper (“desired_pool_min_temp”) I’d like an automation to trigger when a sensor’s reported temperature goes above that helper value PLUS an offset. I then saw in a post that the value returned by the entity is a string, and I therefor Home Assistant should not update trigger based sensors on restart. This will trigger when any of the three entities has not changed for 20 minutes. The wait_template is because when you open the front door it will proceed the automation. But in thinking about it logically the trigger needs to go from true to false then back to true again for the automation to actually trigger. yaml: - platform: template sensors: I’ve looked through some topics now, but I can’t seem to find an answer. For that I have this trigger: platform: device device_id: xxx domain: vacuum entity_id: vacuum. You can also store any type of data in this sensor, it can be a string, decimal number, integer but also a list or dictionary. What can I do to trigger on the attribute source change? trigger: - platform: template value_template: '{{ states. My usual work around is to create a condfition: condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger. I built a door that has an RFID tag scanner and a contact sensor that only Forgive me if this is documented or has been discussed but I cannot seem to find it. trigger service, it will skip the trigger of automation. That would be a trigger like this: You likely need to have your button increment a counter entitiy, then have the automation change the light based on the counter’s value. trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor. But For Template Triggers, Home Assistant only listens for state-changes of entities, not functions. It’s available for Numeric State, State, Template and Zone Triggers but not for others. Except for @atlflyer, they got it right. Context: I have Z-Wave Fibaro Switches and Dimmers that can provide a Scene_Id for certain wall switch actions, but (as far as I know) HA does not identify these. state <= 25 }}' condition: - condition: time Hi All, I have tried to do something like this earlier and had a couple of people help but Im not quite their. I’m using this sensor to trigger my automation to close the blinds. This new sensor can have a textual output or a Home Assistant includes a template to get started with device triggers. You can change the trigger to a time pattern (every minute if that is what you want). - id: gym lights alias: Gym lights trigger: platform: time at: '04:30:00' condition: - condition: and conditions: - condition: time weekday: - mon - tue - For future reference, the trigger object doesn’t always have a to_state property. event. args[0]. I created this automation: Looking for some help with the shorthand version of a template condition in an automation. I’m already successfully using a template to get to the sensor_state within a Condition in one automation, but can’t get to the sensor_state within a trigger of another automation. From what I can see the documentation for device triggers is simply wrong, there does not seem to be an trigger. I am trying to trigger an automation when an invalid code is an input in Alamo. The challenge rises Hello i’m trying to figure out how to template automation conditions. With these templates you can create new custom sensors based on other sensor values to use on the dashboard or in automations. If you change the state few times quickly, it will not notice it. offset == '-00:30:00' %} {% endif %} I need a trigger’s offset by its ID, it’s not necessarily the trigger that triggered the automation (which has several). All this to say that there are many paths to the same destination; the aim of this FR is to allow for more extensive templating in trigger_variables (even more than Thanks for your idea, @123, I was putting off learning blueprints for a long time now, so I gave it a shot after your suggestion (I actually used an automation blueprint) and it allows everything I needed, including parametrizing triggers. kitchen_motion - binary_sensor. state }}" the problem here is that I have 2 triggers, The configuration below creates a trigger based templates sensor which can be used to store data. glenn from: Hello Is it somehow possible to use templates in the condition of an automation? In the following example I am trying to put the household status to asleep, when all persons of the household are marked as asleep. downstairs” I’d like to be able to set a trigger in an automation when “current_temperature” goes above (or below) a specific number. media_player. Any help is appreciated. Need : With the minimum configuration, I’d like to trigger my automation smarter than listing all my entities in my automation or creating a manual group for them. 2 Frontend 20241002. state') | float(0) > 35 }} Not sure if this is possible. ABC is the only thing that is constant in the state, the XYZ or 123 may have different values depending on the . This is often the case when graphing values, where a periodic zero value is How can i determine (in an automation) what triggered e. [image] This also isn’t a general home automation forum, this is a forum for Home Assistant and things related to it. You may also know that one can also achieve the same without even employing trigger_variables. It should trigger in a time frame from 15 minutes before sunset and when it is cloudy or raining and my indoor light sensor is below 2lx. state) but you quoted the variable ('trigger. , prevent the automation running on a state change where the old state did not exist) is simply to check trigger. I wrote this code to activate the wake up light. scaffold device_trigger. I read the MQTT Automation trigger doc (link), and to my understanding, I am doing everything right. from_state. However, sometimes the vacuum becomes “Unavailable” (Cloud connection issues, WiFi down, Let’s ignore the trigger variable - that was my misguided workaround for not being able to figure out how to use a template in a state trigger. I do not know how to right the code for this (newbie but getting better). Home Assistant. Is there a reason for that because it seems really useful (for my use case anyways)? I found this post that suggests I can make a state_changed event automation and then use a template condition to test the trigger entity id against my list. So I will ask myself: Is it possible to list entities for automation as a trigger so if any one of the entities does something, the automation will be triggered? Trigger: -entity 1 -entity 2 -entity 3 Action: -some template with trigger. The condition block will only allow the flow through to the action if all of the entities have not changed for 20 minutes. (as automation condition) condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger. For more information, see: Templates without entities using now() The quickest way to fix it is to add this as the first line: The solution hinges on two key features of Home Assistant: trigger_variables and templating within triggers. Can anyone help me out with this? - alias: Stekker bed uit wanneer iemand vertrekt in de ochtend trigger: - platform: state entity_id: group. What am I missing please? finity September 28, 2023, Strictly speaking Triggers + Conditions already provide an Hi, I’m trying to create an automation condition for my automation that runs when my robot vacuum dockes (after finishing cleaning). 2 Operating System 13. I have not asked the sensor to be updated on restart and I expect that it keeps the value regadless of restarts Automation conditions Conditions are an optional part of an automation rule. trigger service bypasses conditions by default and does not create a trigger variable so it is not appropriate for use with automations that rely on trigger-variable-based templates Hi all, First I need to describe what I want to achieve; I have a Yamaha receiver and I’ve made buttons for the different sources (AV1, AV2 etc). By default the state change will fire whenever any attribute changes. nick Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. When subtracted, this needs to be compared against the current date & time to trigger an automation. to_state. yaml That file should then start with: - trigger: - platform: event event_type: "zha_event" if you’re using the above code. You can trigger an Template entities can be triggered using any automation trigger, including webhook triggers. yamaha_receiver. I have an automation that I would like to execute from a switch on my frontend. The Trigger: platform: sun event: sunset offset: '-00:30:00' In service template I need something like: (simplified example) {% if trigger. Template entities can be triggered using any automation trigger, including webhook I have used [sleep alarm to HA] to create an input. turning on the I want to use the trigger to state to on as a condition to run an action. a Light to turn on? In the Logbook i can see e. actions) you can use the trigger ID in a condition or template to change what you're doing. It will only "trigger": null, It wasn’t the template that triggered your automation. Hi all, I need some help understanding how to make an MQTT Automation trigger work. I want to trigger an automation by temperature and set it up as follows id: 'xxx' alias: Test description: '' trigger: - platform: template value_temp Hi all, I just got my HA blue today, really excited about it! No, I’m talking about template triggers in automations. However the automation doesn’t fire. To be the most flexible, I really If you want a variable you can trigger on, use a trigger_variable statement. In Discord, I often see that users want to define a condition where, if false, the state of the template sensor will remain unchanged. state == 'on' }}" I am going round in circles here. Hi, been playing with the new Wait for Trigger and was wondering if I’ve missed something when combining it with choose: Working set up: Automation calling IOS actionable notification Second automation with a trigger of the IOS response, choose in the actions based on the actionName in the response To be set up: Single automation calling IOS action notification State trigger platform perhaps includes all attributes also, not only the main state of an entity? I believe that’s correct - ANY change of ANY attribute will trigger the state automation even if its state string remains the same. sensor. My guess is the variable isn’t defined yet when the Template Trigger is created. the first one holds a date_time value, the other holds an integer value in minutes. I wouldn’t use the device platform, this is the perfect use case for a numeric_state trigger. To get started, run inside a development environment python3 -m script. Hi everyone, I am running into a weird issue whilst writing up a new automation: automation heater_on: - id: heater_on alias: "Start heater if the temperature in the living room falls below 22C degrees and someon can you guys maybe send me a link of how to format a template for my automation trigger using template i need my trigger to fire every 30 minutes it used to work with my old automation since moving to the new version which using id and editing it on the front end below is my old automation alias: ‘automation’ trigger: platform: time hours: 00 minutes: ‘/30’ There is a catch though The template trigger is only evaluated once a minute – so the automation has “one minute lag”. And if the automation doesn’t trigger then there is no trigger data to check the new “to_state” so of course it wouldn’t do anything I would ditch the automation entirely and do everything from your trigger-based template sensor. These are limited templates so not all jinga with work in triggers and trigger variables, again because a lot of things don’t exist yet in the automation, so be cautious. For that I created an additional template trigger. I’ll try first the choose approach in a script suggested by @Troon, as it doesn’t, hopefully, require me to add a counter. Trigger if the “To” state of any entity in a list contains a word and the “From” state of any of those entities contains a word. g. For example, there is a variable specifying some “for” period - this variable is “input_number”, I need to get it’s state: I can get it’s state in variables section - but I cannot use this variable in trigger. You can prove it to yourself by Actually, I think the way to do it (i. But i’ve tried several templates forms to try to trigger the automation, but with no succes. openweathermap_cloud_coverage. e. configuration. I have a few automation ideas that would benefit from multiple triggers. The delays ensure the The state mentioned in @lubeda’s comment is deprecated and will not be updated when homeassistant: legacy_triggers is not enabled in Z2M. Here’s the one that works. A workaround is to use a helper and an automation to update the value based on the wanted trigger but it should not be neccessary. event object. Triggers from all platforms will include the following data. Assume your trigger to state was 35, that would give this in your template: {{states('trigger. But do not start My code - id: '' alias: pool description: '' trigger: - platform: template value_template: '{{ states. goodnight_routine * The automation. All triggers can be assigned an optional id. xxx type: docked This works. Both templates in question provide the correct true/false result when tested in the Developer Tools/Template page. Home Assistant trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. No, you do not need to set up a Trigger-based template sensor to trigger your automation. It appears I need to use templating I have an automation that should be triggered whenever either one of two entities changes value. However, I am unable to do that. Overview: I’m trying to build a smart cat door that lets me know if my two cats are inside or outside. The there is a delay (you can remove that one if you want) it wait 1 minute before it will announce on Alexa. That’s why state objects have last_changed and last_updated attributes. I have created two automations that trigger on templates. You may know that you can achieve the same by keeping the trigger_variables a list of entity id strings. Too bad because it would be a tidy way of handling the OP’s request. After a trigger A trigger is a set of values or conditions of a platform that are defined to cause an automation to run. I couldn’t find any way to do the same on a monthly-basis (e. upstairs” and “climate. light_random_on and simply execute its action. IIRC, the trigger is going to be passed as a JSON string. Hello, I am trying to set an automation trigger based on a time from a template sensor: - id: '1626701165811' alias: Green Light - Off description: '' trigger: - platform: time at: sensor. This is the thread I’m basing my confusion on: Template won't trigger automation - #14 by AhmadK. Trigger based sensor and binary sensor storing webhook information . You may run into some issues passing triggers. I know when you set up an automation you can set for: and it will trigger based on being in the new state from the previous state. In essence something like this: triggers: - trigger: state label_id: critical_sensors to: on Right now the alternative is to list all the entities manually, like: triggers: - trigger: state entity_id: - binary_sensor. current_temperature Most of these answers are about the template trigger rather than the value template applied to a numeric state trigger. greenlight_off_tim Is there a way to AND triggers together? From what I can tell it behaves as an OR. Thanks koying- I tried If you are using trigger. py in your Let’s get into adding some Automations and Templates into Home Assistant! This part of the guide assumes you have the following: We will build the automation up gradually, so you can leave it at any point, if you Hi, I have two thermostats, “climate. data. Hence I’ve It’ll go in template. As trigger based template sensors restore their state and attributes after a restart, the data will survive restarts. living_room_motion - binary_sensor. I want two triggers: Trigger if the “To” state of any entity in a list contains a word. Not all topics may get an answer, never mind one that helps you solve your problem. occurred, all conditions will be checked. The difference between trigger_variables and (regular) variables is that the latter isn’t set until the Here you find some Home Assistant template examples. There The documentation says that it is ok to use this in automation trigger_variables and that last_triggered only gets updated once the actions run, so I assumed it is also ok to use it in triggers themselves, considering that trigger_variables get set before triggers are evaluated. Struggling to get the “state” and/or platform correct. Is this possible? Hello. as well as: Templates as automation triggers with time It seems to work! Except it may not be working for the reasons you think it does. Would appreciate greatly a push to the right direction. They can be used to prevent the automation’s actions from being run. Is it possible to set for: for the previous state though? I want an automation to trigger if it goes from on to off but only if it was on for more than 20 seconds, else I don’t want it to trigger and I can’t seem to figure it out Goal: I’m trying to have a condition using the trigger. Currently the sensors are updated to “unknown” on restart. Just getting around to making more complicated templates and sensors and appreciate any assistance. I am not using the light component because my purpose is a little more complicated, I have an Android application that is talking with HASS I’m struggling with and puzzled by a) Why I cannot template the value for a device_id in a trigger on platform event (as below); and b) How to do it correctly or else the best work-around. So if if desired_pool_min_temp is 90, i want the In this section, you find some real-life examples of how to use template sensors. trigger data: {} target: entity_id: automation. When you switch between two sources it’s not uncommon that the volume is too high for the source you switch too. “turned on by userxyz/automationxyz” If i could set up an automation “trigger: light1 turned on // condition: turned on = Hi Home Assistant Wizards, A while ago I wrote an automation that notifies us when the laundry machine has finished. Hello frome a beginner. 3 Hi, I want to make an automation to switch a power supply on or off based on the power level of my ipad I tried first to use the entity directly in a numerical trigger, but it did now work. This makes sense, since the documentation The two debug entries were after I used the home assistant app on ios to turn the fan off and then on at percentage 67. For more information, refer to I am trying to set my HUE light bulbs from an mqtt automation trigger. Add an actions section to your template sensor and Although it’s possible to create such a dynamic list with a template (your example shows one way to do it), like pnbruckner stated, this “list of entities” template cannot be used for a State Trigger (or Numeric State Trigger). starmanj March 1, 2022, 4:29pm 3. I agree with @123’s comment doing this in a Numeric State trigger is actually more complicated than just doing it in a Template trigger, so that is what I would suggest. Templates that do not contain an entity will be rendered once per minute. . I have written one for each level at the moment, but I am hoping I can do it with a calculation. I want to avoid using from: or to: conditions because I am using zones and there are multiple possible states the person can take. So the trigger is every person that goes to sleep. id in the automation, then use “AlleSekunden” in the script, but you need to fix the script call too. yaml: sensor: !include sensors. The conditions should be based on the automation trigger. datetime helper in my HA. This one is driving me nuts I’m trying to set up an automation that sends a notification whenever the state of a person changes. entity Greetings! I have 2 sensors that need to be subtracted from each other. I want to make an automation which triggers with a template, but I don’t know what I’m wrong I want to do some actions, if timestamp is lower than 1 (which is not). I am playing around with automations. attributes. kitchen_overheating - I am using HA OS Core 2024. alias: Wake Up Light Using an event trigger, you’ll get the data as trigger. I am sending the payload as JSON and trying to parse the json using the service_template and data_template to set the light entity state and brightness. I am a newby trying to get started. In the same automation I have 2 triggers from on → off from off → on How can I use the on to off as a condition to run an action in a template? Thanks for any help! Currently I’m doing this in a trigger-based template, but I’m finding this extremely limited, hard to work with and just an overal PITA. All the different ways how automations can be triggered. I would like some help by setting up the trigger properly to the wake up light starts 20’ before the actual alarm. Triggers at 04:30 on Monday to Thursday, but only if we’re at home. Because this will trigger the automation below. X in templates. If the ID is omitted, it will instead be set to the index of the trigger. Basically I need the templated trigger in blueprints only - the trigger depends input variables passed into the blueprint. Any question about Home Assistant, and about using things with Home Assistant, is welcome here. blue_drawing_room_motion for: minutes: 20 However, not when used in the Template Trigger {{ inputs | count > 0 }}. I’d like to do: If Trigger A and Trigger B then do C. In other words, a restart at any time during the automation’s ~11-hour waiting period will prevent the automation from completing its last action (i. Home Assistant Hi There, I’ve added a custom sensor that return the dusk time. I would like to create an automation based on that that would work as an alarm. ~ Automation Trigger - Home Assistant I want an automation that triggers when I switch source on the receiver. The following gives me the right output, but doesn’t trigger the automation. We are volunteering our free time to help others. I’ve been struggling to access the “sensor_state” data of a Wemo Maker within an Automation trigger. Automation Trigger. When calling directly you don’t have to use variables. The automation action is to set the brightness and color temperature to a default when the light is I created an automation to turn on the lights at sunset +15. In other words, if will not evaluate your Template Trigger. state')so it became a string. Actually, it’s literally there:. yaml in that case, but don’t include the template: first line. One I thought was working but because I used a second trigger based on the ‘numeric state’ platform, the trigger was always from the ‘numeric state’ trigger and not the template trigger. to_state to check if the to_state attribute includes color instructions for a light and if it does to not continue with the automation, but if it doesn’t include color instructions to continue with the automation. I have used various options but all do not work. yaml sensors. If only entity_id is given trigger will activate The addition of trigger-based template sensors has greatly reduced the need for automations and helpers to parse data and make it easily accessible. and here is the result with the template in developer tools: So, how do you know what CHANGE needs to occur to trigger a template automation. But I post here too if one or you having a smart work around to answer to my need. I have an end goal in mind, but en-route, I’ve quickly discovered that the automations UI doesn’t support what I’d like to do. in the template editor, the trigger will not be checked. According to the docs it implies my trigger data should work. It was triggered manually or by some other automation or script using action: automation. on the 1st or 15th). state != trigger. If, for some reason, you just want to use a Numeric State trigger, you need to move the components of the comparison around following the normal mathematical rules, with the goal of getting one intent_script: GoodnightRoutine: speech: text: "Running Goodnight routine" action: service: automation. I would l like to write an automation that sends me an alert every time my solar battery charge is 10,20,30,40% etc. It has a trigger that begins the automation once the washer uses a lot of electricity for at least one minute, and is followed by a condition that fires after the washer stops using more-than-standby electricity for 15 seconds. 1 Like. A counter (which I haven’t used yet, so might be wrong) sounds like a new piece of state maintained just @petro thanks ! @Mariusthvdb In my first automation I did it this way, only trigger when temperature going above 24. Use a trigger-based template entity to store this information in template entities. Here’s my automation if anyone’s interested: blueprint: name: Cycle Scenes description: Cycle scenes after a repeated button I am trying to create an automation that utilizes a state trigger. I have understood that there should be an option to add triggers to a sensor so it would be possible to determine when a sensor runs. I want to trigger automation on state changes for every entity identified by a common label. The last 2 are important. If you restart Home Assistant, the automation is terminated and so is the waiting period. I thought if I divide the value by 10 and it is a round number then trigger the automation. With the sensor, the state will sometimes be “ABC” other times, it may be “ABC XYZ” or “123 ABC XYZ”. I’ve tried the following: - alias: 'Nick changed zone' trigger: platform: state entity_id: person. Template I think to understand, that if I want to create an automation to catch this pin, I need a trigger template. trigger. The sunset trigger works fine. Basically instead of using the number your sensor reports it will Can’t see anything in the docs about using templates in trigger IDs - I suspect they’re just strings. I have seen the alarm Hi, I’m only a week or two into using HA and love it. If your automation has a condition then that will be skipped as well. The id can be referenced from trigger conditions and actions. I’ve read the (sparse) documentation, and my googling is sending me around the same few results each time. It works with multiple automations that are Is there any way to run an automation once per month? Looking through the time conditions, there seems to be built-in ways to easily automate weekly. 3 Supervisor 2024. When i check the config i don’t see any errors. It depends on what kind of trigger is used. As long as I use HA to control the receiver, it all works. Alarmo returns HA this information via MQTT: Topic: alarm/event Payload: { "event": hi, could somebody pls help me with the timeformats in a automation template? i had extented my notification in my automation with the triggered time duration, where i want to have just hours&minutes shown. source }}' condition: - As far as I can tell, I can’t use a template in a state automation trigger for the entity id. For instance, if I am away, if a window or a door or a motion detector goes off, that would indicate intrusion. I’m not a fan of the device trigger, makes things more complicated than needed, imho. 10. This means you can do something specific based on what started the automation despite having more than one trigger. But right now it behave as: If Trigger A or Trigger B then do C I could split it into two automations and use a condition but that seems like a nuisance. but Home Assistant doesn’t like that. But days are getting warmer and warmer at this time of year, and the temperature in my house is not decreasing below 24 every night. However the trigger does not like the time offset. e. I created an automation like this: trigger: - platform: device domain: mqtt device_id: Hello, I am new to this forum but been working with Home Assistant for a while. eukqg ctwa hbxbwhy iqpgsxj efgkn risbtrpdb kopvnhr jzozwc jhy dojzlqzb