Home assistant binary sensor ping. I need to invert the .
Home assistant binary sensor ping 2. price. yaml file, add a binary_sensor: entry if you don’t have one, otherwise append to the existing one. alias: Electrical room - reboot modem description: Reboot modem when Internet goes down trigger: platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor. sensor. They told me that it is impossible. 8 to check the connection with the internet. However, it is disconnecting every couple minutes because it doesn’t receive a response to the ping request from Home Assistant. e. ru count: 5 scan_interval: 120 At one point, I noticed there was a duplicate of ping2_is_available in Overview. binary_sensor] Updating ping binary_sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15 hassio info : arch: armv7 channel: stable hassos: "2. xx. What is the proper way to monitor multiple IP’s. 1 (the pfSense box in the house), and sets the Ping sensor to “At home”, or “Hjemme” in Norwegian. 2 | grep "1 packets received" | wc -l' name: 'tv_status' device_class: connectivity payload_on: 1 payload_off: 0 and it works well for me both when the TV is on and when it is off, but when it Nov 30, 2020 · Hi! I use ESPHome for device tracking some BLE devices and it works very well. Also, it should change the icon depending on it’s value - platform: template sensors: tiago_sleep: friendly_name: "Tiago Sleep" condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. Oct 27, 2023 · Could someone please point me to the correct documentation URL for the binary sensor using ping? https://www. The problem is, that ESPHome uses the binary_sensor entity (with on and off as status) instead of device_tracker. Dec 30, 2020 · I don’t know, I’m not a dev I assume there might be more in order that the integration doesn’t assign an already used unique_id. This way you can check if a given host is online…” Even just comparing what the documentation says about both, the binary sensor is more suited to testing if a device is online. So I have left the set up as is and skipped all updated. It works perfectly, I even have guest profiles based on the ping integration and ip reservation on my router. ## count: 1 scan_interval: 1 name: ping_nest I get: Not possible to configure ping binary_sensor by adding platform: ping to the binary_sensor configuration. Initially I was trying to create two sensors and I thought there was an issue in my code binary_sensor Aug 31, 2021 · Hi, I’m new to home assistant. 18. They made me understand that enough is enough and I should stop talking nonsense. 731 ms\n', b'') 2020-05-06 10:45:09 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant. Is such a thing possible? Can you force an entities ‘state’ using a ping sensor? My sensor configuration is: binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: nas host: 192. yaml file along with icon: MDI:television Below is whats in my configuration. 3 or not. 1 name: ping_sensor scan_interval: 30 By using the ping integration UI and then have an automation like this: alias: "ping scan_interval" description: "" trigger: - platform: time_pattern seconds: /30 condition: [] action: - service: homeassistant. xx scan_interval: 15 count: 5 switch: - platform: template switches: device_name: value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor. yaml each to ping a different machine. 4, Core 2023. com Jun 23, 2019 · Hi, I need help setting up a TCP Binary sensor so that HomeAssisstant knows if my camera is on or off. To use this sensor in your installation, add the following to your Jul 12, 2019 · I have setup a binary ping sensor to check regularly an internal device with static IP so that I am monitoring power outages. Located in /config/binary_sensor. yaml file they work correctly binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: JiPhone7 host: 192. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 10 My questions: Is the "count" property provided for "device_tracker"? It is not The ping binary sensor platform allows you to using ping to send ICMP echo requests. This template switch uses a timer to prevent the TV power from bouncing on and off. Adding a delay to the automation seems not to be the solution. So, I tried to set up a Template Sensor like follows to give me something to graph; - platform: template May 14, 2017 · Hi, used the code above to ping my router, for some reason I’m not able to get it to run. Jul 12, 2024 · It’s either a weird one or I just forgot how to do something. 1 name: "My Ping Sensor" count: 2 scan_interval: 30 After rebooting HA I expected to see a new device named “My Ping Sensor” But I don’t see anything under Devices, Entities or Helpers. 8 connectivity check - #8 by tom_l I can kind of gather than I need to template a binary sensor AND template a sensor: So this is what I have created so far: Binary template: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. What I would like to do is scan that port every 30-60 seconds and if the port scan shows closed send a notification. I have a binary_sensor. ping (and the same issue with the NMAP sensor). I changed and renamed them several times. yaml ########## # TV On Detection - platform: ping name: SalonTV scan_interval: 1 host: 192. Nov 14, 2023 · I am brand new to HA, so very much learning the logic. May 11, 2024 · I am running the latest version of home assistant on a vmware. see color?) for entities tracked using device_tracker? Simply? My ping platform is: binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: MyCloud host: 192. ping (native python ping with a specific NameLookupError), but during setup_platform, if the use of icmplib. I was playing around with setting up some binary sensors in my templates. I’m getting “Entity not available: binary_sensor. test_notification_03 scripts: test_notification_03: alias: Test Jul 23, 2023 · PING Integration: I have been using the binary sensor ping integration to monitor a server. I’m not sure if it was at the same time I updated to HA 0. Sep 30, 2018 · I have the following in my config. Grep-ping the binary sensor name in the Home Assistant configuration directory (I’m using Docker) only leads to the history log that I’ve purged hoping it will delete the sensor, but it wasn’t so. Jan 9, 2018 · # Internet Status: ping host 8. Home Assistant Core release with the issue: 0. 245 TCP 66 61924 → 8554 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1 Then May 23, 2017 · Another possible option might be to use something like Uptime Robot or Pingdom. 31 scan_interval: 30 But Check Config reports: Platform not found: sensor. May 29, 2023 · Hi, I’m looking to see if it’s possible to set up multiple device tracker instances of the same platform with different intervals. smoke_1','on') }} According to the documentation linked Apr 11, 2017 · It would be nice to have a ping sensor that would store the latency. 168/48. Very strange don’t know why. 8 scan_interval: 60 Jan 4, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. I try to setup three binary sensors for tracking my ISP and Gateway, but only one binary_sensor („cloudflare“) can be found in the entity list or state list in the developer tools. Which leads here: https://www. @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the issue. home Sep 28, 2021 · some way to use “friendly” states in automations. And for that I check if value has been updated for 5 minutes using template {{ (as_timestamp(now())-as_timestamp(states. platform: ping name: frontroomtelevision host: 192. wan_ping - entity: sensor. The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. 5. I notice that the ping integration references icmplib. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Nov 22, 2023 · In order to make this work: add this into configuration. ping() fails with insufficient privileges (such as non-root user running homeassistant [fairly normal]), then it drops back to a command line call, which gives a non-granular return code of 2 for 'no route to So in addition to having some home automation stuff, I want to build this into HA too. 8 from other machines on my network, so it’s not that. yaml file (referenced from configuration. entity] Update of binary_sensor. Dec 2, 2017 · Hello fellow smart homers! I have recently discovered it is possible to track device on/off states with ping in Home Assistant binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: device_name host: xx. I have seen posts referring to the Ping sensor or even to use the Command Line Interface but can’t figure out how to apply that in my case. So, I added this to my sensors. 254 > name: sfpfsense > count: 2 > scan_interval: 30 > > - platform: ping > host: 192. Dec 6, 2024 · I have a binary sensor that is no longer receiving any data from ping. 8 Mar 4, 2019 · I never thought of pinging the TV to see if it’s on, since there’s no tele/state from it. 63. yaml file but it doesn’t work… Any help? binary_sensor. binary sensor: (in binary_sensor. I have a Template Binary Sensor to check if my WAN connection is up or down, and another to check firewall status. Using wireshark and playing the stream with vlc I can see : first a SYN being sent to the camera on its port 8554 192. mi_note_10_sleep_confidence is above 90 for 10minutes and “off” if not. Every 5 minutes a ping to 8. Feb 19, 2018 · Some explanations: I used duckdns and from inside the network the resolution does not work properly thus the cert evaluation will come back with an error, which in the case of curl is return code 51. I am trying to find a way to figure out if I am home or not. local hostname (the ESP32-based devices i've built over time). 8 scan_interval: 60 - platform: ping name: Firewall Status host: mail. 12 #Test IP count: 2 scan_interval: 60 # 1 minute test name: “Internet_Connection” And here is what I have in my automation file. The PLC is master so everything works even when hass is down. For this example, I am going to be monitoring my router which has an IP address of 192. 61 name: laptop scan_interval: 30; But the state of the sensor keeps only disconnected, when I ping the address with my laptop I get an response. I’m having some trouble setting this up… When I add. This effectively disables the sensor from updating. You signed out in another tab or window. I have added this string in the configuration. I’m struggling with the following. May 6, 2020 · The problem Ping (as binary sensor or device tracker) doesn't work in both cases. person1 - entity: device_tracker. binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. 69 And log looks like this journalctl -u home-assistant | grep ping Feb 26 18:02:21 DietPi systemd[1 Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Since that sensor is used as some kind of “network health” indication, it would be good to be able to provide an IP address that is topologically close reliable Problem A typical choice would be some Sep 8, 2023 · I have two binary sensors. you can also make it show Problem Simply add binary_class: Problem Dec 31, 2019 · This appears to be rather complicated - two separate but timely dependent automations. dns', 'round_trip_time_avg') }}" unit_of_measurement: "ms" state_class: measurement any idea what it May 21, 2018 · Hello I have been trying for ages to get some ping sensors to change colour when they are online of offline. is it possible to setup the binary sensor on an automation, so i can manually toggle it on/off from the UI? a sample from my config. But first, the hard facts: Hass. My initial thoughts were using the Ping binary sensor. I can nmap port 80 and see that it is open. This can be useful when devices are running a firewall and are blocking UDP or TCP packets but responding to ICMP requests (like Android phones). I now have a spare RPi5 running hassOS 12. example. yaml What I would like to know is 2 things. @home-assistant unassign ping Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command. i never had problems with my state machine - the real reason i stopped using the motion sensors for automation (using any ping approach) is because sometimes the ping sensor The ping platform offers presence detection by using ping to send ICMP echo requests. Available for free at home-assistant. yaml. Io 0. Write your automation to trigger on your webhook, then in the actions use the homeassistant. internet_connection from: 'off' to Apr 17, 2019 · I have a Ping Binary Sensor set up like follows to ping Google so I can keep a track of my internet connection; binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. Coming from openhab and liking it so far. Unfortunately I can only add device_tracker as persons. I’m running home-assistant 0. yaml binary_sensor. 9. yaml the following snippet: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. I tried Mar 31, 2020 · I’m using 2 integrations in Tasker, Home Assistant and AutoNotification, plus I’ve got the tuyasmart app installed. nuc01’, ‘round_trip_time Apr 15, 2019 · Hi First time post, apologies if this is easy. yaml to create binary_sensor ping command_line: binary_sensor: command: ‘ping -c 1 192. All binary sensors are created using platform ping. Just repeating the yaml entry with different IP does not work as only last entry is taken as valid. 2 name: 'Pi-Hole Server' count: 5 scan_interval: 60 In this example my Pi-Hole server is using the IP address 192. (This is not the same as the Ping device tracker, but the code could be almost the same but some parsing would be needed and a target hostname). May 4, 2020 · 2020-05-06 10:45:08 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [homeassistant. 1 name: "Cloudflare" count: 5 scan_interval: 1 Mar 13, 2022 · It pings 192. Ping to Cloudflare, Google & Gateway every second (5 packets) - platform: ping host: 1. 8 count: 2 scan_interval: 1800 name: state_connection And its automation: alias: Restart connection description: '' trigger: - platform: time_pattern hours Jul 11, 2021 · Before you can start monitoring devices and entities, you need to add the PING to Home Assistant. 2. I already have May 12, 2021 · Unfortunately for the core Ping integration you guessed correctly. com name: vpn count: 2 scan_interval: 60 template: - unique_id: ping sensor: - name: "vpn round_trip_time Nov 13, 2020 · Ping binary sensor not available - entity is not created for unavailable remote hosts or after ping timeout Manually reloading ping integration from HA frontend will make failed entities available. How do I make a template for these and how can I make the icon change between on and off state. 4; Last working Home Assistant Core release (if known): 0. 15 > name: hp_printer > count: 2 > scan_interval: 30 > > - platform: ping > host: 192. io. When the camera detects motion, the binary goes to ON for a number of seconds. Environment Home Ass Dec 7, 2023 · It’s my understanding that I can do this: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. The group only contains the same type of binary sensors. I very frequently have to restart my modem to restore my internet connection. 36 and when i turn the switch on the PC will turn on but the switch turn back to OFF… if i add this: binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: PCStudio host: 192. 11 count: 2 scan_interval: 30 Automations: - id: "ping_sw_stue" alias: Ping sw stue trigger: platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor. ru scan_interval: 60 I have "mail. How this works Television toggle sends a broadlink IR command to turn the TV . This makes sense for a person, but for a computer or device online or offline may make more sense. As the documentation shows: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. xx name: Octopus_Pi_ping scan_interval: 1800 - platform: ping host: 192. 72. 1) wit Jul 16, 2020 · I’m using the ping integration for a while now: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: OnePlus7Pro count: 10 scan_interval: 30 - platform: ping host: Galaxy-S9 count: 10 scan_interval: 30 They show up as binary_sensors. The problem is that the sensor takes 5 minutes to update the states - is there a way to trigger this sensor to ping in script or is the only solution to set the scan interval so it I can't seem to find out if HA's "Ping" integration configuration for a binary sensor has a way to configure multiple sensors. device_name', 'on') }}" But how do I incorporate that into my script such as Binary sensor AND: device_tracker: - platform: ping hosts: xi_readmi7a_name_ping: 192. Ping is now part of Home Assistant, see Ping (ICMP), so anything using the old method of using a binary sensor in the configuration. 1). 1 You can specify multiple IP addresses as: May 23, 2021 · Please look at this: For "binary_sensor" this example structure is provided: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. 68. Configuration: binary_sensor Binary sensor Binary sensors are similar to other sensors in that they monitor the states and conditions of different entities. Environment. 8_8_8_8 binary_sensor. This way you can check if a given host is online and determine the round trip times from your Home Assistant instance to that system. Here is how to make that change. I guess this is because I only have access points and not the USG. update_entity service to update your ping sensor. 243 192. 8 name: "Internet connection" count: 1 scan_interval: 30 I have an automation like this: alias: System Report Internet Connection State Changed description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor. Putting a post together so I can link to it rather than find and paste the text each time. attribute. arcade", "home") %}Online{% else %}Offline{% endif %}' friendly_name: 'Arcade Machine' customize. The state values an entity reports in Developer Tools > States are the ones you must use. yaml is: Apr 4, 2018 · I’m trying to have my sensor icons change color based on their state (online/offline) Those sensors are binary sensors using ping platform: > # Ping sensors > - platform: ping > host: 192. The device tracker section of the Ping integration shows how to configure multiple devices. For that I added to configuration. Sep 2, 2018 · when in the configuration. 37 count: 5 scan_interval: 120 Jan 24, 2019 · Hi, I have a binary ping sensor for my smart tv to detect its state, I am using this sensor as part of a template switch that uses a diy mqtt to infrared blaster (D1 mini running tasmota) to turn it on and off . Currently, I have a configuration for my family that works well, but we have some extended family that I’d (or maybe they’d 😃) rather not install the home assistant app on their phones. sw_stue from: 'on' to: 'off' action: - service: script. 4 The screenshot in the Ping(ICMP) isn’t particularly helpful to me and I have no idea how to get it to work as there’s so Aug 2, 2020 · I would like to test the connectivity from my network to an always-on external IP (8. Nov 8, 2023 · Attempting to create a binary sensor by adding the following to configuration. My HA is HA core loaded on container at Qnap NAS with latest 2023. yaml file. 14): 56 data bytes\n\n--- 192. Apr 1, 2020 · Hello, I have a nodemcu8266 which in the arduino code gets a static ip-adres. home-assistant. It noticed quickly when it went offline but the internet has been back up for several minutes and it still shows off Nov 30, 2020 · By shortening the scan_interval in the ping binary sensor I achieved the switch on within a few seconds but obviously this also affects the switch off. Download and install EventGhost 2b. io/integrations/#search/ping. Is there a workaround available? Jun 4, 2021 · My idea is to plug the router into a ESP-home flashed plug, write an automation that checks periodically if I can ping an external website, and if not trigger a power cycle of the plug. However, there is one machine that by design does not reply to pings. 8 or 1. Jan 15, 2021 · I have the impression, that the delay_* parameter is not respected by the ping-platform. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. But the binary sensor portion gives actual ping stats which is what I'm after. yaml) and this is causing problems: … Aug 21, 2019 · Hi Does anyone have a way round changing the icon depending on the state of a binary sensor PING ? I have changed the device_class to power. 087/17. www_whatever_com How would I possibly logically combine these into one sensor entity? (if sensor a AND sensor b AND sensor c all evaluate to true, set an overall sensor entity to true) Aug 25, 2023 · Google Nest - Home Assistant. 1 scan_interval: 60 Apr 27, 2018 · I did yeah, there is a small delay whilst the ping starts to respond, but it works… Binary Sensor. 43 Platform: ping allows you to create both a binary sensor (on/off) and a device_tracker (home/not_home). As far as I have found out the sensor should show “on” when the ping works and “off” when it doesn’t. the neato loses signal) using Platform:Ping… however if im working/gaming, i dont want to hammer my network. . 80. 3 and core 2024. Binary Sensor; Presence Detection; Binary Sensor. I need to invert the Dec 4, 2023 · Code owners of ping can trigger bot actions by commenting: @home-assistant close Closes the issue. 8 to test my internet connection. The so-called ‘friendly’ state values you are referring to are exclusively for display in the UI and are typically governed by the entity’s device_class. level == ‘VERY_EXPENSIVE’ it’s an other story . 979 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant. I am using the official ping integrations. You may be able to create a command line sensor. Ping 8. Got ‘mdi:speedometer’ expected dictionary for dictionary value @ data Apr 21, 2022 · Hello everyone, I would like to create an automation that checks the status of the internet connection every hour and if this is absent, restart the home assistant. cloud_gen_1 show_state May 5, 2018 · I initially used a template switch using the ping from the TV to detect whether the TV was on or off, however the problem was the switch would bounce on and off as it takes a while for the TV to connect / disconnect from the network. Does anyone know how the integration works with the “count” variable - specifically how many lost packets result in the binary sensor returning a “false” output? If I have a count of “5” - the default - with two packets lost (3/5) - what is the resulting binary sensor status? Any information Here is what I have in my configuration. 111. @home-assistant reopen Reopen the issue. Which of the two is best to use in an autoomation where the condition should be “if the nodemcu8266 is online”? Are both usefull? The ping (with interval of 30 seconds) is Nov 30, 2020 · Additional information. lg_tv_status: templates: friendly_name: LG TV (Living Room) device_class: power icon_template: >- {% if is_state('binary_sensor. Nov 1, 2023 · I’m trying to create a sensor to monitor my internet connection. @tom_l, is this because of some special considerations or use of templates is just not implemented for Ping (ICMP) - Home Assistant integration ? Oct 30, 2019 · I’ve been using the subject sensor for some time now. Not doing anything fancy, just an automation to send email when IP is down. Where binary sensors differ is they can only return one of two mutually exclusive values. io/integrations/ping/#binary-sensor Aug 2, 2023 · In this guide, we will explore how to leverage the Ping integration in Home Assistant to check the presence, health, and connectivity status of your network devices, enabling you to create seamless automations and enhance your home’s overall smart experience. 168. I have 2 TV’s that I am using the binary sensor for a PING and the device_class is set to power in my customized. 1 name: ping_router scan_interval: 30 count: 3 Jan 25, 2020 · Hello, I encounter a problem to get a specific attribute (round_trip_time_avg) from a binary sensor. frontyard. Oct 17, 2023 · Hello, I have not stable connection to device. D’s post gave me the idea. In the off state Nov 22, 2024 · Hello Everyone. 8 with 2 packets every 60 seconds. If Dec 27, 2021 · binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. Home Assistant Mar 18, 2022 · I have setup a PING sensor for my NAS and now would like to use it to report the current state of my Switchbot bot. diskless - entity: binary_sensor. mycloud - entity: binary_sensor. Unfortunately there seems to be no configuration parameter that allows me to explicitly use IPv6 instead of IPv4. 3 I added following at configuration. yaml Jan 10, 2018 · Does anybody know how often the ping binary sensor updates itself, or how to change the frequency? I have one set up to monitor 8. But for some reason this doesn’t show any entities, and it doesn’t show any errors in the logs: device_tracker: - platform: ping interval_seconds: 30 consider_home: 1200 May 10, 2017 · I am recently seeing lots of Tracebacks in my logs related to FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ping' as well. Thinking using Ping the invertor to check if it is ok and report fault if it is offline. I performed a brief test and the following appears to work: I added the update to the action part, then opened automation. If I disconnect a server the member of the group shows disconnected, but the state of the group is still Feb 27, 2018 · Hello. If you go with Uptime Robot, you can actually integrate your monitors into Home Assistant using the Uptime Robot Binary Sensor that was added in 0. 3 since the new Ping(ICMP) appeared as a major automation I have doesn’t work any more. Dec 21, 2017 · Your configuration is wrong. Once added to the configuration and the permission has been granted in the Developer Console, restart HA, disable the Alexa Dev skill, enable the Alexa dev skill, and then restart HA. 101 scan_interval: 1 Occasionally sensor answers to ping, but does not send updates. It does not show properly in the card, and gives this in log file: 2022-10-23 20:08:05. For example, a binary sensor for a window may report a value of open or closed, a switch on or off, a condition true or false. binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: gateway host: 192. Aug 2, 2021 · binary_sensor: platform: ping host: 192. yaml entry device_tracker: - platform: ping hosts: device_name_1: 192. If 30% of pings will be lost binary sensor set Connected, else set Disconnect. To control a light I have 2 variables on modbus: Status: actual state of light (on/off) = binary sensor in hass Control: to toggle the state = switch in hass Dec 19, 2021 · Hi, I created a sensor to monitor the power on status of my TV following the command_line sensor guide. I have a PLC where real switches and lights are connected to. No. 85 so it should be able to ping my laptop on the network right? Feb 26, 2024 · Code owners of ping can trigger bot actions by commenting: @home-assistant close Closes the issue. yaml file: - platform: ping name: OfficeTV host: 192. configuration. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Thanks in Sep 8, 2023 · I’m trying to reduce the delta between running the ping command on ping binary sensors to something less than 5 minutes. ping. The sensor template (not binary_sensor template!!) also supports different icons - for example mdi:server-network if it’s online and mdi:server-network-off when offline. yaml: switch: - platform: wake_on_lan name: PC-Studio mac: D0:50:99:XX:XX:XX host: 192. Specifically, I took my example directly out of this documentation. - platform: ping name: WAN Status host: 8. www_google_com binary_sensor. Do I need to have the binary sensor enabled as well for the device tracker to work? The UniFi integration is only seeing WiFi devices and I want to track some wired ones. update May 31, 2020 · What’s the best way to get a “ping” like Lovelace entities (i. yaml file needs to be removed. 103. yaml binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: ip adress nest count: 1 scan_interval: 1 name: ping_nest Then create the following automation: - id: '1692558832489' alias: Lights on by Nest motion description: '' trigger: - platform: state … Sep 1, 2022 · For those still searching, here’s what I did : Creation of a binary sensor in configuration. This example uses a device_tracker entity which normally displays home or not_home for the state. 30 | grep “1 received Mar 18, 2022 · This is excellent thank you! Worth noting you will need to set up endpoint, client_id and client_secret as explained here: Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant. Mar 22, 2020 · HI All! I’m moving my first steps into HA, I’m trying the Ping component to check if my network devices are online: I can already use it, but it’s possible to change the icon color based on the status of the devices? for example RED if disconnected and GREEN if it’s connected… I’ve tryed this code in the customize. Is there a way to convert a binary_sensor into a device_tracker entity? Nov 2, 2021 · Basically, I want to create a binary sensor that turns “on” when sensor. 100. 116. Wait a short delay and then Mar 10, 2022 · binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: JackiesiPhone7 host: 192. Keep getting, checked whether the component is there or not and I can find it under components/binary_sensors but still getting th… Jun 24, 2020 · Another question from me, once again proving that I have not really understood the overall (or general concept). Via a binary_sensor ping I get the online or offline state. template]: expected dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘icon’]. ru’ blocked in my network firewall, so if this site fails a ping, that tells me that the firewall is online. binary_sensor] Output is (b'PING 192. I read about the availability_topic. They show different states. This is going to be depreciated according to the repair, I have from 2025. ##. So far I’ve tried 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 30 seconds, but none of them made a difference. log is full of WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant. I want to make the icon turn green if WAN is “Up” or firewall is “Online”, and red if WAN is “Down” or firewall is “Disabled”. OS based on a RPI 3 HassOS 1. This makes sense for devices with a fixed IP address (my Raspi's, for example) or a solid . last_updated)) > 300}} That Nov 5, 2022 · Until now, I’ve been doing network pings through Node-RED exclusively. I’ve tried creating a binary sensor template as shown below but it always just shows disconnected. Mar 20, 2023 · Works great for a single IP but I’m trying to monitor 2 IP’s. xx name: PC_ping scan_interval: 1800 I copied one of the above, renamed it and gave Oct 27, 2020 · I have several machines that I am monitoring with home assistant using the binary ping sensor. For my immediate family, I have pretty tight timings and use Jul 12, 2021 · In this guide, I’m going to show you how to monitor Home Assistant entities or network devices, and then display the status in a beautiful Lovelace card. router is taking over 10 seconds Sep 18, 2023 · Hi there, I have defined a few binary sensors to ping some external domains. yaml) Jul 1, 2019 · My home-assistant. 3. 0. 8 count: 2 scan_interval: 60 name: Internet_Connection Anyone else see this? Any idea where to look to find the problem? I confirmed that I can ping the host 8. yaml which i want to change to be on an Dec 9, 2023 · I like to use HA to monitor my solar inverter status to ensure it is online. luis_tv_status','On') %} mdi:television {% else %} mdi:television Dec 6, 2023 · The ping change is a step back imo 🙁 From a simple config. “count” is the number of data packets to send and “scan_interval” is the number of seconds to wait before checking again. 115 ? Oct 23, 2018 · Hello everbody, I have a problem with my binary_sensor. It used to work fine, and I have several other host that were being pinged regularly. Reload to refresh your session. I have spent some time trying to understand this thread . yaml: binary_sensor: !include binary_sensor. 14 (192. yaml and customised. 11. ” In fact, I can’t find any reference Feb 15, 2023 · They told me that I don’t understand. Jul 18, 2022 · Hi Community! Can anyone help me? I don‘t know what I‘m doing wrong. 1. I am getting these errors: Invalid config for [binary_sensor. To be honest I don’t care so much, I don’t need to be able a binary_sensor or similar in the UI when I can do it in YAML. So far, i have created this binary sensor: May 16, 2024 · Let’s say I have multiple binary_sensor entities (ping sensors) like binary_sensor. I already have a button on my dashboard that cycles the plug, restarting my modem but would like to automate it. I have a problem with setting up a binary sensor with ping. I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. :house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. 8 count: 2 scan_interval: 30 name: Internet_Connection I get the result However, if I change the name to anything other than “Internet_Connection” it doesn’t work. 6. This is my yaml: configuration. The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. In the ESPHome device’s logs I see the following relevant lines: [12:29:06][W][api. Here is my binary_sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: test_for_petro: friendly_name: Test for Petro device_class: power value_template: > {{ is_state('binary_sensor. Under Profiles in Tasker I’m using AutoNotification to monitor notifications created by the tuyasmart app that have an exact match of what ever comes through when the door is opened/closed (eg. Here is my configuration : binary_sensor: platform: ping name: Nuc01 host: 192. I also use mqtt for switch with the nodemcu. ping Your sensors will be called: color_thresholds: - color: '#e45e65' value: 40 - color: '#e0b400' value: 30 - color: '#0da035' value: 20 - color: '#039BE5' value: -1 color_thresholds_transition: hard entities: - entity: sensor. components. lan_ping group: false height: 300 hour24: true line May 13, 2019 · So I’ve created a replacement for the ping sensor using the ping binary sensor and a template sensor to get the average round trip time attribute: binary sensor (not used in the front end) - platform: ping name: Google DNS Ping host: 8. Some ping will be timeout. 6 hostname: hassio logging: info machine: raspberrypi3 supervisor: "195" supported_arch Aug 27, 2019 · The home assistant docs, and the home assistant and home automation reddit pages are quite helpful. for some reason now it’s all “Unknown” - sensor: - name: "latency dns" unique_id: "ltncdns" state: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor. helpers. ping What am I missing? Oct 5, 2021 · This is not the name of your sensor (in the card): entities: - entity: binary_sensor. Create a binary sensor which evaluates if the internet is up or down. In Entities, I also see two: one have Apr 13, 2022 · If you want this template to show “true” or “on” if sensor. yaml: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. 11 / Hass. Dec 8, 2023 · Yea it confused me at first too. - home-assistant/core Feb 15, 2022 · The goal is to create a toggle switch, that, when pressed, either direction, to activate the script that sends the power on InfraRed command to the TV, but to get its state (if its on the right or the left) based on whether the device tracker sees the TV as ‘home’ or ‘not_home’. They accept templates. These two seems not to be doing the trick as they are both registered as home, even if my phone is on flight mode: - entity: person. 12" homeassistant: 0. 79 count: 2 scan_interval: 300 @stevemann configuration. yaml and moved the action from the action code part between the trigger and the condition code part: Jul 25, 2017 · I used the ping binary_sensor and added a sensor template to change the output for “online” or offline. At the moment the configuration looks like this: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: vpn. It works great. connection:117 Sep 27, 2019 · Hey all, so im trying to monitor the status of things on my network, to check if anything goes down (eg. I could also try the OpenWRT device tracker potentially but I think ping would Oct 21, 2019 · I have 2 binary_sensors and device_trackers on ping platform. 101 scan_interval: 30 My customize. binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: google. Binary sensor The entity appear but no matter the real state of the monitored device, it return "Disconnected" Also tried with localhost IP (127. Accordingly, device_tracker can be added for stationary location of the user Jan 17, 2017 · I have seen this request a few times in the forums. That is why I mentioned the template binary sensor (you did not provide your sensor-definition). I thought i could use the status of the camera rtsp server over tcp. What am I missing or doing wrong? - platform: ping host: 192. 8. the timer and latch approach is also a good alternative if the simpler template sensor approach i had offered did not work for you for some reason. I created a new binary sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. The group shows all servers as connected and the state of the group is “on”. If I do not check for the curl return code the binary sensor would always be off… Hope that is useful. Now it are like this: binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: "ping1_is_available" host: yota. 4 I need this sensor to operate like this, because it tells the automation that there is someone in the room as a condition of the light turning on or off. 79 count: 2 scan_interval: 300 - platform: ping Oct 27, 2020 · Create a ping binary sensor for the device but give it a very long scan_interval (years), see the example in the link above. Ideally I would like to graph round Aug 20, 2018 · Log Details (WARNING) Mon Aug 20 2018 20:57:12 GMT+1200 (New Zealand Standard Time) Updating ping binary_sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:02 I use the ping sensor (interval: 2s count: 2) to mo… Jul 12, 2018 · Create a MQTT binary sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: mqtt name: "PC Activity" state_topic: "pc/activity/state" off_delay: 120 device_class: connectivity The hearbeat will be sent every 1 minute, and after 2 minutes the sensor will go back to off (off_delay). 1 name: "device name" count: 2 scan_interval: 30 For "device_tracker" - this structure: # Example configuration. I have installed the HA OS on a Raspberry Pi 4. I have an automation that uses the Ring Motion Binary Sensor. The issue is I can’t use the ping device trackers in my person entity. The device tracker entity indicate when am home or away. When it has checked the connection and is has succeed, it would get a green light on the dashboard, or red when it has failed to get a response. The round_trip_time_avg _max and _min values continue to fluctuate as if the device was online. Please check the documentation for more information Aug 8, 2021 · I will try the binary sensor. In order to use the delay_off you would have to create a template binary sensor, based on your ping-sensor: The ping binary sensor platform allows you to using ping to send ICMP echo requests. 5 count: 4 scan_interval: 60 platform: template sensors: ping_nuc01: device_class: connectivity entity_id: - binary_sensor. cloud - entity: binary_sensor. Aug 25, 2020 · Background The current bianry_sensor ping integration requires a specific IP in the configuration. I am using HA core-2022. 8 count: 4 scan_interval: 60 name: Ping Google DNS This sensor exposes some attributes that I would like to display on a history graph. The CatFlap gives me binary signals to tell me if they are at home or not. com count: 3 scan_interval: 30 I do see that entity in HA: I wanted to add it to my Lovelace UI in order to get a history of pings. Its a bit of a round Jul 16, 2022 · Hello y’all, i’ve been trying this intedations now for a while but still can’t figure out whats wrong witch that code snip. I have two binary sensors set up in config. yaml to track our internet connection . Mar 23, 2022 · Hi I am using a binary sensor group for monitoring a list of servers. 13. Sep 29, 2021 · Hi guys, I’m a student doing a project about creating a dashboard interface to display on a big screen. 8 name: google. 10 > name Feb 3, 2022 · binary_sensor: platform: ping host: 192. I had quite a few binary sensors with ping, all set up in my configuration. Please help understand the problem. internet_connection from Aug 2, 2019 · Hi I try to send a email, when I ping a switch (meens power gone in the house) binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: sw_stue host: 192. Before you can start monitoring devices and entities, you need to add the PING to Home Assistant. yaml: ########## binary_sensor. First, check if you already have a binary_sensor: field in configuration. I left the default ICMP packets of 5, so my question is when is this considered as fail or su… Jan 31, 2023 · I have defined a ping binary sensor as below: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. Oct 10, 2022 · I use a binary sensor with a grace period / timeout of 180s / 3min to avoid changing to not_home in case I’m quickly outside or my phone disconnects wifi for a second, in combination with GitHub - pnbruckner/ha-composite-tracker: Home Assistant Composite Device Tracker and a timeout of 180 seconds (3 minutes) Feb 22, 2019 · Hi I made live network diagram and wanted to share For this used InfluxDB + Grafana + Mermaid plugin In Home Assistant make ping binary sensor for every device In Grafana Addon setting add “jdbranham-diagram-panel” to plugins like this: "plugins": [ "jdbranham-diagram-panel" ], In Grafana add “Diagram” panel In panel settings>metrics add your ping binary sensors like this: In panel Dec 5, 2021 · Hi experts, I want to add my cats like person-badges to my HA-Lovelace. internet_connection. 981 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant. yaml for a very basic test for WAN connectivity, and also firewall status. yaml like below to having to disable polling on the integration, then create an automation to define the custom scan interval! device_tracker: - platform: ping hosts: conor: 192. The person component of Home Assistant doesn’t allow binary_sensors for device tracking. Step 1: Add PING to Home Assistant. router is taking over 10 seconds 2022-10-23 20:08:35. It works fine with ESPHome dashboard and in home assistant the sensor appears and works. mi_note_10_sleep_confidence above: 90 for: hours: 0 minutes: 10 seconds Sep 8, 2020 · The problem The Ping Binary Sensor is showing devices on, when they are offline. My Home assistant has IP address 192. This can be an IP or a hostname (which is then resolved) but has to be provided explicitly. Feb 26, 2020 · Hello!! I need some help for the WOL integration in HA. A idea was to add a ping element to the dashboard. 8 count: 5 scan_interval: 600 sensor (used to display ping information) Jul 4, 2022 · I have created a Ping sensor in configuration. yaml is the Home Assistant Oct 9, 2018 · The documentation for the Ping Binary Sensor says, “The ping binary sensor platform allows you to using ping to send ICMP echo requests. I have binary sensor for ping sensor: - platform: ping name: 'FrontYard' host: 192. 14 ping statistics ---\n5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss\nround-trip min/avg/max = 3. 31 When added to Lovelace: entities: - entity: binary_sensor. 2 on a Mac Mini. Which means that with a “not” condition the state of the binary sensor should be set to “off”. I need a third. yaml as follows: # Ping to test internet connectivity binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 8. To do this, open File Editor and open your configuration. ru count: 5 scan_interval: 60 - platform: ping name: "ping2_is_available" host: ya. 36 count: 2 scan_interval: 30 the Aug 29, 2023 · I have an Olimex ESP32-PoE that I’ve setup on wired ethernet without Wifi. This is the sensor I created: binary_sensor: - platform: command_line command: 'ping -c 1 192. Any suggestions ? Jan 18, 2022 · Same here, my binary_sensor was created by the Workday integration, which I added and then removed (more info here). In your configuration. 230 Aug 8, 2019 · I have mqtt sensors, and I want to monitor their state. pfsense Jul 2, 2024 · I haven’t updated my RPi4 running hassOS 12. How have you implemented the sensors? The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. binary_sensor Dec 6, 2023 · @home-assistant unassign ping Removes the current integration label and assignees on the it was the refresh interval of the ping binary sensor I used here, bad Oct 6, 2018 · I have seen this question asked before, but can’t seem to find a definitive answer. yaml see here for details : Ping (ICMP) - Home Assistant # Test internet connection binary_sensor: - platform: ping name: Internet #(or whatever you want to name it) host: 8. nuc01 value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘binary_sensor. 3 Problem: I use the Ping sensor to scan several devices (Windows PC, TV, another RPI, AVR and so on, but no mobile device) within my network (attached via LAN / WLAN - NO Bluetooth). mi_mix_2 And then I found this: https://www. This is how it looks. yaml device_tracker: - platform: ping scan_interval: 60 count: 3 consider_home: 300 hosts: ping_galaxys7edge: !secret ip_PH-SamsungGalaxyS7edge-W ping_xiaomimi8: !secret ip_PH-XiaomiMi8-W binary_sensor: - name: GalaxyS7edge host: !secret ip_PH Jul 23, 2020 · @Joe_Hardy what i did was also ‘debouncing’ the ping binary sensor. I recently noticed it had stopped working. So far I have failed! Anyone know why please? This is what I currently have Config: Sensor: - platform: template sensors: arcade_state: value_template: '{% if is_state("device_tracker. dov sdxegpk jnn kqblly kepba dzwwst svzmw cjtmha ebng bncd