Vco as3340 datasheet 7V and pin 2 +0. From circuitbending to homebrew stompboxes & synths, keep the DIY spirit alive! 20 posts • Page 1 of 1. Click to view in HTML datasheet. Also available is the AS3340HYB, a DIP16 compatible adapter PCB with the QFN24 SMT IC already soldered in place. - AS3340 JSC ALFA. I am basing it on the reference design in the datasheet with opamps added to the outputs, using the Kassutronics VCO 3340 as a template for the outputs. Change Location. G. Aug 18, 2024 · ^ a b CEM3340/3345 data sheet ^ Curtis Electromusic Specialties, Facebook, 5 June 2016 ^ Curtis Family Speaks Out Against Behringer Synth Clone Plans Using CEM3340 by Rounik Sethi, Ask. Definitely worth a read if you’re using this chip. I have tried this circuit by Scott Bernardi, and when I couldn't get a sound out I tried something simpler, the datasheet diagram. Part # CEM3340: Download CEM3340 Download: File Size 3684. 15 Kbytes: (VCO) More results. The SN74LS624 is pretty obscure and also seems to be out of production. Part #: AS3340. 21-05-2019: Thanks to Tyler for pointing out that R21 should go to -12V and not to ground, the sine-shaper won’t function otherwise. A great article with tons of useful information, beyond the datasheet: AS3340 Article Aug 27, 2016 · This affected the Datasheet, MKS-80, and MemoryMoog schematics. If you don't need linear frequency modulation just bias per the datasheet, leave off the 1M and 100n. Try newer version - AS3340A. Easy to build and calibrate too. As far as I know, the SN76477 has been out of production for a very long time though. Both the CEM3340 and AS3340. I used a verified stripboard layout and the electrosmith submodule: Link layout and module submodule Datasheet Herunterladen Electronic Components Datasheet Search English Chinese: German AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO Dec 10, 2019 · The LFO is an indispensable part of any synthesizer. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO There used to be a lot of VCO chips, and they are coming back. Contact Mouser (Kitchener) (800) 346-6873 | Feedback. 56V relative to pin 3. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) AS3340D Hello all, I'm new to this so there's a lot in the AS3340 datasheet which isn't clear to me, (soft and hard sync) but I decided that I'd try start with the minimum circuit. lv; alfa@alfarzpp. The 3340 VCO is known for good tracking and temperature stability. acidblue Question about the 3340 VCO datasheet. 2nd harmonic level depends on the IC type and it changes slightly from chip to chip. Hello everyone! I am in the works of building myself a DIY eurorack modular synth. zoom in zoom out 2 / 5 page. 53AS3340AS3345Typical Electrical CharacteristicsVCC=+15V VEE = Internal Zener TA= 20° Datasheet search, datasheets, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors. Jan 14, 2020 · Not only is this VCO easy to build, it can actually be tuned easily too. CEMosc is a stable AS3340 based VCO which tracks beautifully, and is feature rich. It receives a reference current through Rr on pin 13, which sets the DIY 3340 VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) (PCB, Front Panel and AS3340) This is a basic circuit design from CEM3340 datasheet. Information. 1 2 %/V Input Impedance Pin 5 0. Most other oscillators require an exponential circuit before the CV input but this one seems to not AS3340- Tip: Ultra-LFO AS3340 / AS3345, AS3340A / AS3345A - Tip: Ultra-LFO application In typical LFO applications value of capacitor C F can be in range 1nF - 50nF. Note that naming conventions for resistors and currents are taken from the AS3340 datasheet. This VCO was designed using a number of open source schematics as well as the AS3340's data sheet. A word in advance: this article deals with the first VCO I've ever built and is based on the datasheet schematic combined with the LookMumNoComputer lay-out for the CEM or AS3340 chip. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for VCO Oscillators. CEM3340 seems to work OK in every design, AS3340 in most but not in all. Data sheet. I have been trying to build a simple VCF circuit with an AS3320, after I successfully built a VCO with an AS3340. Download AS3340 Datasheet. Current consumption from negative and positive source is increased on 1 mA and these issue must be taken into account . What are your recommendations on… Aug 25, 2024 · SSI2130 data sheet; DAB2130 data sheet; Updated SSI2130 VCO Datasheet available, Mod Wiggler Forum, Aug. The schematic is based around the AS3340 datasheet, along with a number of modifications to make it usable in a Eurorack system. AS3080 – Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) with linearizing diodes – Info / Datasheet. The 2130 also has a square output in addition to the PWM. AS3340/CEM3340を使ったVCOを製作しました。回路について解説します。組み立てについては 別記事 をご参照ください。 回路図 CV入力の加算 3340の周波数をコントロールするVFCI(15PIN)はサミング・ノードとなっており入力信号が加算されます。OPアンプの Jan 14, 2020 · Not only is this VCO easy to build, it can actually be tuned easily too. 00 out of 5 AS “АLFA RPAR” Joint Stock Company ALFA Riga, Latvia www. The datasheet uses a 1. AS3340 – Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO So I'm going to try my hand at a diy VCO. G AS3340 Building Blocks This is the internal schematic of the AS3340, as described in the datasheet: There are four building blocks in the AS3340 that affect the 1V/Oct tuning. I impulse-purchased an AS3340 from Electric Druid about a year ago, along with some other chips, and I've been planning to make modules using all of them. Now updated to the 3340a. Any particular schematic you have followed? Also I was wondering if the IC tracked well from 1v/oct CV. 1V/O CV; Mod CV (AC-coupled) PW (Adjusts duty-cycle of square wave up or down) Hard-sync; Outputs. I used one for the internally shaped sine, for the other I added a noise generator. The ALFA RPAR AS3340 is a completely self contained, precision voltage controlled oscillator featuring both exponential and linear control scales and up to four buffered output waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, square, and pulse with voltage controllable pulse width. The Eurorack 3340 VCO schematic presented here will work with either Alfa’s AS3340 or the CEM3340 Rev. 0 6. 3 waveform outputs (triangle, square, saw) 10vpp; Stable tuning, as is typical of the AS3340. All other electrical parameters - according to datasheet AS3340. Audio, 21 Mar 2017 ^ CEM3320/V3320, SDIY list, Sep 2017 ^ AS3340 VCO, Electric Druid ^ AS3340 data sheet ^ AS3340-HYB New VCO chip, Mod Wiggler Forum, May 2019 CEM3340 VCO Rev. The datasheet for the chip has a circuit [1], as has LookMomNoComputer [2] and electricdruid [3] has a few circuits. Consulting the AS3340 datasheet, it would appear the schematic matches the datasheet, and the strip board layout does not, so I am inclined to think the strip board layout is incorrect in this particular case. The AS3340 ia completely self contained, precision voltage controlled oscillator, featuring both exponential and linear control scales and up to four buffered output waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, square, and pulse with voltage controllable pulse width. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) More results. It is a modern reissue of the classic CEM3340 VCO, known for its stability, accuracy, and versatility in generating audio waveforms. Before I found this, I used the datasheet VCO schematic for the AS3340 using the stripboard design from the LookMumNoComputer website. 15 Kbytes. Forest Caver TZFM VCO; Synsi VCO Deux; Nonlinearcircuits FM OP; Amazing Synth EVB2130 SSI2130 evaluation board ; Jordan Aceto SSI2130 based VCO PCB, SSI2130 calibration helper Dec 25, 2019 · I’ve built LMNC VCO (AS3340 version) and its working ok. Both of which designs I couldn't get a sound output from VCF, I tried both from built VCO and from a AS3340. File Size: 676. Front panel is also made out of p Download AS3340 Datasheet. JSC ALFA. I agree the no-datasheets thing at tayda is a major deterrent. CEMosc has at it’s heart a CEM3340 or AS3340. 00 out of 5 I'm bread boarding a VCO circuit using an Alfa AS3340, [1], which is kinda a clone of a CEM3340, if that's fair. The full temperature compensation makes these VCOs extremely stable and eliminates the need for a temperature compensation resistor. Question about the 3340 VCO datasheet. lv2018 v. Dec 26, 2018 · I'm working on a 3340 VCO board. Optional trims are provided for expo scale and high frequency A simple AS3340-based VCO for eurorack. Locally (in Finland) there was some interest in the design, so I decided to make a second revision and do a small run of boards. AS3340 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - JSC ALFA. Both soft and hard sync are provided. Similar Description - AS3340 comparator of AS3340. acidblue This is my second time trying to build the 3340 VCO using the lmnc stripboard layout. For the current reference to work correctly, pin 1 should be +2. Sep 21, 2019 · AS3340 datasheet; V3340 datasheet; Update History. The Electric Druid write-up is great. The AS Alfa 3340 VCO chip is Alfa’s modern version of the famous CEM3340 voltage-controlled oscillator. Miscellaneous. AS3340 / AS3345 - Voltage Controlled Oscillators ( VCO ) TThe AS 3340 and AS 3345 are completely self contained, precision voltage controlled oscillators, featuring both exponential and linear control scales and up to four buffered output waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, square, and pulse with voltage controllable pulse width. Any advice or knowledge would be appreciated! And sounds like you have a similar issues and solutions too :D Lovely! A schematic would be amazing, any tools in my arsenal would we super. I could never get that VCO in tune over a wide range of octaves and I couldn't get it to play really deep tones either. Arduino Wavetable Voltage Controlled Oscillator AS3340/AS3345 AS3340A/AS3345A AS3340 / AS3345, AS3340A / AS3345A - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Large Sweep Range: 500,000:1 AS3340 / AS3340A AS3340D / AS3340AD РFully Temperature Compensated DIP -16 (300 mil) SOIC 16 (150 mil) The 3340s are all "pin-compatible", though may work slightly better with different values for the supporting parts as u/MattInSoCal mentioned; see their respective datasheets for details. Similar Part No. Recommended value is 10uF. As far as I understand to calibrate the VCO you first adjust the Tempco Gen trimpot, followed by the High Frequency Trim, correct? Works with CEM3340 or AS3340 VCO chip (kits come with AS3340) Inputs. It always needs more than 1v per octave. In this Instructables I will show you how to assemble a full oscillator module based on AS3340 (CEM3340 clone). It is a monolithic IC which just needs a few passives, and therefore perfect for my entry into the DIY modular synth world. Looks like the 3340 chip is pretty ubiquitous for that but does anyone have a reliable source for these in Dec 17, 2023 · Thanks, ok so that confirms my internal hypothesis - your VCO is locking in the UP state (the output of the VCO is actually at around +5V suggesting the internal comparators are stuck) because the output opamp inverts the output of the mixer (so it looks like it is sitting at -5V not +5V). Correct,I soldered / replaced the stripboard connections manually. Datasheet: Description: JSC ALFA. Jun 6, 2018 · The new availability of these chips triggered my interest in building a VCO around these chips. I’ve just purchased the Arturia Beatstep Pro (got it yesterday - very excited!) With the beatstep pro I’ve set C0 to 0v and all seems to be ok. The output current Iout- can be varied within a wide range from 50 nA to 500 µA. All I can get is awful ground hum no matter what I try. The internal opamp A2 that drives the dual-transistor in the exponential The AS3340 is a precision voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) IC, designed for use in high-quality analog synthesizers. Electronic components for building analogue synthesisers VCO, VCA, VCF, ADSR etc to previous-generation VCO IC’s. It seems the scene isn't strong enough in Australia to have people who hold stock of things like CEM3340 or AS3340 ICs here. The gold standard for analog VCO is the CEM3340 or now AS3340 chip, however plenty of other ICs can be made into VCOs, including 8038 and 555 timing chip just to name a couple. Manufacturer: JSC ALFA. It is mainly used to modulate other parts of the synth like the filters or the VCO's or as a source for clock pulses. They can be used for applications in electronic music. Similar the 10k/47k resistor is down to the only difference in the datasheets of the as3340 and the cem3340. Part #: AS3340D. I have not observed any oscillations in my VCO from the TL431 with 0. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO Having an interesting problem with a VCO based around the AS3340 chip I'm working on a VCO design using the AS3340 IC, a clone of the famous CEM3340. I chose to use the AS3340, which is the cheapest of the three options. The pulse, on the other hand, looks okay in form and the PWM adjustment is working but the amplitude is at 14v peek rather than the 12v specified in the data sheet. AS Voltage Controlled Oscillator-VCO CRYSTEK CORPORATION: CRBV33BE-1823-1903: 60Kb / 2P: AS“АLFA RPAR”Joint Stock Company ALFARiga, Latvia www. Similar Going all the way back to the circuit presented in the 1980 CEM3340 datasheet, our module will also feature 2 CV inputs, coarse and fine pitch controls, pulse width modulation, hard synchronisation and linear FM. Aug 22, 2018 · I'm working on a VCO using the AS3340 chip. Part # AS3340: Download AS3340 Download: File Size 676. It was widely used in the 80s by many synth manufacturers such as Roland and Oberheim. Such solution greatly minimize frequency modulation by PWM control circuit but allows PWM output be compatible with AS3340. The schematic has been updated to reflect the correction. 6 7. Trying the recommended method of calibration didn't work because the HF Tracking adjust trimpot doesn't reach the values needed. It has also been cloned by CoolAudio as the V3340 and by Alfa as AS3340 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - JSC ALFA. This hybrid package fits in a DIP-16 footprint and is based on AS3345F in QFN-24 with addition of PWM comparator based on similar schematics as internal comparator of AS3340. I simply connected power and thought I'd see an output of some sort on the scope and start from there May 25, 2019 · I've recently built up a basic circuit around the AS3340 chip I bought from electric druid a while back and I'm having some issues with tuning. Check out our DIY 3340 module. If Ultra-LFO is needed, and C F capacitor must be increased till 1. AS3046 – NPN Transistor Array – Info / Datasheet. During such step, microprocessor is trying to measure offset and slope of VCO characteristic, calculate trimming parameters and after that microprocessor is ready to control VCO. ( I actually built 2x modules). On the schematic, this resistor is in series with a 10k pot and a 24k resistor. Although they are pin-to-pin compatible, AS3340 needs 2 different resistors than CEM3340. You can source your own chip, of buy AS3340 direct from me when you order your PCB set and panel. After making a feature list I realised that most of them where covered by Kassutronics design and the collection of 3340 designs on Electric Druid, Eddy AS3340-HYB - VCO Module AS3340-HYB – voltage controlled oscillator proposed for circuits where requirements on influence of PWM signal on frequency are strict. 1uF value but I am planning also to replace CS with bigger one (tantalum perhaps). An accurate and temperature-stable sine wave can be produced by the internal sine shaper circuit. \ You can find the schematic here as well as gerbers for the PCBs and front panel. 16-07-2018: Some updates on the schematics. It will have keyboard, arpegiator, quantisers, so I’m thinking about ways of making them rock solid in terms of pitch stability. The supply voltages should be ground on pin 12, +12V on pin 16 and -7. (800) 346-6873. Analyzing the saw wave form on the output, I'm seeing this pecular trace dropping down right when the wave is cycling back up. That didn't give me any output, so I assume my minimum is a bit sparse. I have a AS3340 chip just laying around and thought that I could build something with it. CEM3340 for example. Current source uses a temperature-compensated core of the VCO AS3340, with an exponential and linear control scale. These are brand new chips fresh from the Alfa Rpar semiconductor factory in Riga, Latvia. I'm using an AS3340 and following LMNC's simple VCO guide. 2020; Projects. AS3310 – Voltage Controlled Envelope Generator – Info / Datasheet. The VCOs have features like large sweep range up to 500,000:1, temperature compensation, four output waveforms, voltage control of frequency and pulse width. AS3340 AS3345 Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCO Author: www. So far I've been balancing between the original datasheets, AS3340 datasheets, electric druid's articles on the chip, Hordjik's notes and Thomas Henry's VCO Maximus design schematic. Rob Hordijk wrote a very complete guide on tuning the AS3340, which offers a lot of useful information beyond what’s in the datasheet. 3 1 AS3340 AS3345 Voltage Controlled Oscillator(VCO) AS3340 / AS3345 Part #: AS3340-HYB. AS3340 Datasheet. This circuit have 0. AS3340 Datasheet Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) - JSC ALFA. The CEM3340 VCO chip has been re-released as the Rev. AS3340. AS3340 Datasheet (HTML) - JSC ALFA. zoom in zoom out 4 / 5 page. File Size: 1282. The IC provides Ramp, Pulse/Square, and Triangle outputs, has inputs for hard and soft sync, is temperature compensated and stable, and provides excellent 1V/Oct tracking. Description: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), AS3340D Datasheet, AS3340D circuit, AS3340D data sheet : ALFA, alldatasheet, Datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors. I can also supply the 3340, since I bought several. Sep 10, 2022 · Overall it is a fine VCO, it sticks to the datasheet's circuit for trimming. Yes the sine shaper is decoupled from the other parts. CEMosc features: Onboard voltage regulation for tuning and tracking stability AS3340 AS3345 AS3340-HYBVoltage Controlled Oscillator VCO Author: www. I've assembled it on a breadboard and I'm mostly confident that everything is properly wired, but I can't get any proper output whatsoever. I offer it here also in case people are interested. Front panel is also made out of p AS3340 Experiments. G Analog VCO with three waveforms (Ramp, Triangle, Square/Pulse) Download CEM3340 Oscillator datasheet. 99. Toutes les infos constructions, schémas sur :https://soundbender3 Included inside the compact 24 pin package is fully temperature compensated, wide range, voltage controlled oscillator providing sub-oscillator, triangle, saw-tooth, and pulse waveforms; a voltage controlled mixer for adjusting the balance between the internally generated VCO waveforms and any external signal; a dedicated four-pole low-pass Electronic Components Datasheet Search AS3340D: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: JSC ALFA. The document describes two voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) integrated circuits, the AS3340 and AS3345. 8kohm resistor between pin 14 and ground so it looks like this is R7 in this Hi folks, I'm based in Australia, and am building some base modular components, but am finding it difficult to source some parts here. 1) The internal opamp A2 that drives the dual-transistor in the exponential converter. There are further details on AS3340 VCO. alfarzpp. Tuning the AS3340 VCO Tuning AS3340; CT3680 Reference and Datasheet CT3680 Datasheet; CT3680 Soldering Tips CT3680 Soldering . In my oscope, saw and triangle waves look fine and match the datasheet spec. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO So I built a stripboard circuit around the AS3340 clone of the Curtis VCO chip based on the datasheet design (the only difference being that I… AS3341 is a voltage controlled current source with internal temperature compensation and a matched pair of NPN transistors. 05 + VAT. Now I’m attempting to tune the VCO (although roughly at the moment ). VCO 3340. 1uF only (CS) what may cause some trouble. Read datasheets. A notice: TL431 datasheet shows that TL431 may be unstable with output capacitor less than 2uF. Stay tuned for more on this important breaking story. Buy for £12. They may produce slightly different waveshapes, so you probably don't want to mix and match within a single synth. AS3340-based VCO striking a balance between features, size and ease of construction . 9 Kbytes: Page 6 Pages : Manufacturer: CES [Curtis Electromusic. lv Subject: VCO AS3340 AS3345 Voltage Controlled Oscillator Keywords: VCO, AS3340, AS3345, Voltage Controlled Oscillator Created Date: 6/4/2018 9:57:18 AM AS3340/AS3345 AS3340A/AS3345A AS3340 / AS3345, AS3340A / AS3345A - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Large Sweep Range: 500,000:1 AS3340 / AS3340A AS3340D / AS3340AD РFully Temperature Compensated DIP -16 (300 mil) SOIC 16 (150 mil) AS3340 Datasheet (PDF) - JSC ALFA. The document provides details on pinouts, circuit diagrams, and operating Download Alfa AS3340 Oscillator datasheet. 3 1 AS3340 AS3345 Voltage Controlled Oscillator(VCO) AS3340 / AS3345 I designed this VCO to be inexpensive but reliable, like a sack lunch. acidblue. The AS3340 chip is a reissue of the legendary Curtis CEM3340 VCO IC, which was used in many of the synths of the 70s and 80s. The Pin numbers are the pins of the As3340 from 1 (top left ) to 16 (top right ). I also built four Befaco Even VCO s to use with the polyphonic envelop generator . Ramp, Pulse/Square, and Triangle outputs The AS3340A offers improvements over the original AS3340 including improved frequency stability against Vcc and VEE . AS3341 also has a current output Iout + = 1 / 4Iout- which can be used to compensate for the linearity of the control AS3340 Datasheet (PDF) - JSC ALFA. Description Product VCO Free-Running CO e 1. By a bizarrecoincidence, I shall be able to answer this for certain tomorrow as I have a working CEM VCO and a not-quite-working AS3340 VCO so I was going to test by swapping the IC's over. AS3340 AS3340 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator ( VCO ) Product datasheet AS3340A - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) From $7. PCB +8 € Front May 21, 2019 · AS3340-HYB - VCO for circuits where requirements on influence of PWM signal on frequency are strict. 0uF, some changes in schematics must be done - resistor ~ 39K added to pin 6 : Date Revision Changes I just made my first VCO module using the SSI2130. 2 kHz/V 8–10V, fO e 10 kHz FM Distortion g10 AS3340 Datasheet (HTML) - JSC ALFA. zoom in zoom out 5 / 5 page. AS3340 is included in this partial kit. So, I thought, ok, I can leave out much of the circuit: All circuit tied to PIN 4: NOT BUILT. Update October 2018. - - The datasheet includes example circuit diagrams, example waveforms, and the chip pinout diagram. AS3340A has much more output frequency stability against Vcc and VEE Encore un autre VCO mais avec un rotary switch pour selectionner 3 octaves différentes. DIY 3340 VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) (PCB, Front Panel and AS3340) This is a basic circuit design from CEM3340 datasheet. Rated 5. pdf. Full temperature compensation makes these VCOs extremely stable, and eliminates the need for a temperature compensation I'm slowly assembling a modular synth in Eurorack format, and just hit some significant milestones: my first VCO, and my first module assembled from a PCB/panel set: the Kassutronics VCO 3340. AS3340 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) 16-Pin DIP for just £5. AS Voltage Controlled Oscillator-VCO CRYSTEK CORPORATION: CRBV33BE-1823-1903: 60Kb / 2P: AS3340/AS3345 AS3340A/AS3345A AS3340 / AS3345, AS3340A / AS3345A - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Large Sweep Range: 500,000:1 AS3340 / AS3340A AS3340D / AS3340AD РFully Temperature Compensated DIP -16 (300 mil) SOIC 16 (150 mil) pair of NPN transistors. VCO AS662 AS3340A - Tip : Oberheim OB-8 VCO Many analog VCO solutions , in which VCO is controlled by microprocessor , have initial self-calibration step. May 22, 2023 · 電子部品,通販,販売,半導体,ic,led,マイコン,電子工作vco(電圧制御発振器) as3340秋月電子通商 電子部品通信販売 The AS3340 /AS3340A is available in DIP16 thru-hole and SOIC16 SMT configurations. Options. AS3340A - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) AS3340A is an improved versions of AS3340. AS “АLFA RPAR” Joint Stock Company ALFA Riga, Latvia www. Right? Oct 2, 2023 · I built another of my VCO designs with a made-up 49. Through-zero FM and PM can be achieved with an exernal comparator, op amp, and several discrete components. (VCOs) are improved versions of the original VCO family: SN54LS124, SN54LS324 Electronic Components Datasheet Search AS3340D: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: JSC ALFA. I personally had great trouble getting this VCO tuned over a wide range of octaves. 5 1 MX VCO Sensitivity For Pin 5, From 6. AS3340: 676Kb / 5P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) AS3340-HYB 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) AS3340D 676Kb / 5P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Search Partnumber : Start with "AS3340"-Total : 74 ( 1/4 Page) JSC ALFA. . The rest of the parts are just the opamps, pin headers, some electrolytics, the pots, and the as3340. 4046s are readily available VCO chips, but without getting clever, they only generate squarewaves. It has the exponential converter and temperature compensation built in, which makes it very easy to build a Apr 21, 2021 · After a week or so surfing around on the internet and trying to figure out where I could find all the components I finally decided to take the easy route and go for a AS3340 based VCO design. lv 2017 v. " Pin 15 is a virtual ground so the voltage should be 0V independent of the input signal. May 2, 2018 · I recently designed a basic VCO around the AS3340, which is a clone of the CEM3340 VCO chip. I'd really like to add a VCA and VCO next to really get this going, but I'm having trouble finding schematics for +/- 12V VCAs and +/- 12V VCOs based on the CEM3340. English. For more information, take a look at the As3340 Datasheet. The current into pin 15 is compensated for temperature and exits the chip at pin 14 so the voltage on this pin should change with the potentiometer settings. 9K resistor as the Input Exponential Frequency Control (REXPFR) and 22K + 5K as the Combo Expo Scale Adjust (REXPS). Moog finally have built a polysynth! No-one can afford it, but at least they’ve done it! Building these designs. Alfa Rpar’s clone of the CEM3340 VCO on a chip, at a fraction of the price. AS3340 VCO. 4V on pin 3. The modern CEM3340 is the "rev G" but Jan 4, 2020 · I don't mind sourcing those from ebay, so could easily pre-solder them for anyone who wants a board. My friend asked me to use the AS3340 chip, to build some for him, and there is no discussion about that. 00 out of 5. ] I'm trying to assemble my first diy VCO. Reply reply badboy10000000 Oct 20, 2021 · As I am trying to get the best sine wave in my VCOs, I have observed that there is a problem with relatively high level of 2nd harmonic in triangle waves generated by the VCO ICs I am using: CEM3340/AS3340 and SSI2131. AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) AS3340D Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), AS3340-HYB Datasheet, AS3340-HYB circuit, AS3340-HYB data sheet : ALFA, alldatasheet, Datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors. V3340 VCO Analog VCO with three waveforms (Ramp, Triangle, Square/Pulse) Download CoolAudio V3340 Oscillator datasheet. I've built up the test circuit on a proto board, and it only oscillates at super high, almost inaudible frequencies unless I place my finger between the -15v and ground rail. Mar 21, 2020 · I'm trying to build the AS3340 vco as the Eddy Bergman version,working at +/-12v but I only need the triangle output. Frequency stability can be improved If external reference voltage (with level approximately 1/3 Vcc) is connected to pin 9 (Soft Sync. AS3340-HYB is based on AS3345F in QFF-24 with addition of PWM comparator based on similar schematics as internal comparator of AS3340. It is nothing fancy, but it gets the job done, like a sack lunch. Dec 17, 2023 · Thanks, ok so that confirms my internal hypothesis - your VCO is locking in the UP state (the output of the VCO is actually at around +5V suggesting the internal comparators are stuck) because the output opamp inverts the output of the mixer (so it looks like it is sitting at -5V not +5V). the cem3340 asks for a 10k resistor here, and the as3340 asks for a 47k, in the video i say i used a 20k just in the middle as i have not noticed and difference however its up to you which value you go for. Download AS3340D Datasheet. I will also share with you gerber files to have both printed circuit board and panel board manufactured by professionals at low cost. Other Instructables in this serie: 4 Channels Mixer. But go from the actual datasheet for design/testing. Contribute to promesoft/KicadJE_3340_Experiment development by creating an account on GitHub. Feb 15, 2022 · This schematic mostly follow the AS3340 datasheet with some additions for inputs and outputs. Electronic Components Datasheet Search AS3340D: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: JSC ALFA. Features. Two units of AS3340. What made me chose the SSI2130 over the AS3340 is the mixer section with two AUX inputs. There are four building blocks in the AS3340 that affect the 1V/Oct tuning. Similar Apr 2, 2021 · I am using AS3340 and CEM3340 chips in some different VCOs. The CEM3340 IC is made for electronic music applications and with the AS3340 compatible now being available at around £5 you can make a very reasonably priced VCO for your synthesizer. AS3109 – Voltage controlled filter (VCF) – Info / Datasheet. My problem is that the calibration trimmer does not have enough range, so I can't get it tuned. This is now corrected. CEM3340 Datasheet (PDF) - Curtis Electromusic. Availability: In Stock. I was initially on the fence about building my own, but I eventually decided it would be a nice accomplishment to do an entire signal chain from keyboard to output all of my own designs AS3340 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - JSC ALFA. lv Subject: VCO AS3340 AS3345 Voltage Controlled Oscillator Keywords: VCO, AS3340, AS3345, Voltage Controlled Oscillator AS3340-HYB Created Date: 2/13/2019 10:48:24 AM 14 votes, 32 comments. 50 * Documents: Datasheet. 21 Kbytes. I’m building a triple 3340 Vco that I intend to use inside a stand-alone monosynth. Dec 10, 2018 · Hi, I have couple of questions regarding this matter. document-pdfAcrobat Voltage-Controlled Oscillators datasheet; SN74LS624. The LFO I build for my synth project is nothing more then a cut down version of the VCO based on the AS3340 chip. Sitemap Feb 4, 2022 · This AS3340 VCO build has everything you can possibly need from a classic analog VCO (imho). 51AS3340AS3345AS3340 / AS3345 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)FEATURES Datasheet search, datasheets, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors. 5 nF Frequency RO e 20k b30 0 a30 % fO e 10 kHz Input Voltage Range Pin 5 */4 VCC VCC Average Temperature Coefficient 200 ppm/§C of Operating Frequency Supply Voltage Rejection 10–20V 0. The AS3340 is pin to pin compatable with CEM3340, but the chip is fully redesigned in order to improve stability and eliminate some native faults and it also comes in DIP-14, SOIC-14 and QFN-24 cases for very compact designs. Nice! I ordered some AS3340 the other day to go try and build something like this. This is also one of the most accurate and temperature-stable voltage-controlled oscillators that I have built. LS3340 3 mm (T1) LED, Non Diffused, Siemens Semiconductor Group Electronic Components Datasheet Search English Chinese: German AS3340-HYB: 1Mb / 4P: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO Final thoughts on stripboard CEM3340 VCO. brqijf rdby xbpfvl gcp rljann hawz bkq ajebab xgsiw ecjjf