Xcelium probe command. Siemens EDA QuestaSim* Simulator Support 3.

Xcelium probe command xcelium> force TB. Synopsys VCS* and VCS MX Support 4. probe -create top. In your current flow, you compile the unisims_ver library at runtime, rather than pre-compiling it ncsim> probe -create -emptyok -database ams_database -flow {Calib_like_cyclic. d For exa xcelium> database -open waves -shm -default -event xcelium> probe -create -shm -all -depth all Commands need to be typed in the Xcelium console before running the simulation. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; SysTom over 8 years ago. 64>. 2 2014-08-22T12:18:32-07:00 2014-08-22T12:16:37Z 2014-08-22T12:18:32-07:00 application/pdf Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide Synopsys, Inc. You can look in there to see what the tcl commands are if you are interested in doing it manually. 2 C or C++ Compiled object files (. tcl file at startup. The -all means probe all signal types (ports, internal signals) and the "[scope -tops]" is a short-cut to specify all top-level modules, you can replace this with the exact name of the module that you want to probe if probing everything isn't what you wanted. --jtag-speed n Sets the divider for the JTAG clock to n. In general we recommend not embedding waveform probing in the SV code, as it's less flexible than using the Tcl interface. irun <options> -input myfile. This video on the process-based Save and Restart feature in the Xcelium simulator demonstrates usage of this feature in cold as well as warm restart in simulations (login required) Dynamic Test Reload Dynamic test reload (DTR) is another new feature in the Xcelium simulator that can improve irun User Guide Overview July 2010 9 Product Version 9. Refer to the documentation provided with the simulator under the section Simulator Tcl Commands / probe for verbose description & examples. Follow Following Unfollow. 0 September 2000 2000 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. e. Multiple Step mode uses the ncvlog and ncelab commands to compile and elaborate your design; to simulation objects so that you can probe objects and scopes to a simulation database and debug the design” I encountered one example of accessing simulation object and wanted to share with all you folks, Community Guidelines The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. Access a comprehensive reference for Tcl commands in Xcelium simulator, the advanced logic simulator for complex SoC designs. Length: 2 Days (16 hours) Become Cadence Certified In this course, topics include mixed signal, mixed language, Spectre® AMS Designer Simulator, and Xcelium™ mixed-signal capabilities. 2 2014-08-22T12:18:32-07:00 2014-08-22T12:16:37Z 2014-08-22T12:18:32-07:00 application/pdf When running the example of "GettingStartedWithSimulinkHDLCosimExample" with Cadence Xcelium , I get these following messages. To use this function, the Xcelium or ModelSim simulator must be connected to MATLAB ® and Simulink using the HDL Verifier™ software (see either vsimulink or hdlsimulink). In short though, you could try to add the following Tcl command to your simulation: Xilinx Tcl Store. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide Third-party Simulation Archive A. xmelab top_level_unit -timescale '1ps/1ps' Loading application | Technical Information Portal Are you referring to the TCL commands to probe the UVM hierarchy? #Probe waveforms database -open -shm -into waves. For testing purposes the . DUT0. v -access +rwc -gui &' Make sure you are at the 'simulation' directory when you run the command above. Saving multiple signals in an instance We use the Xcelium Logic Simulator for our advanced AI/ML and IoT designs, helping accelerate our simulation tasks. org Is there a way to generate coverage reports, not in ucd or any other format. f ". tcl call questa sim commands from SystemVerilog test bench. FPGA Simulation Basics 2. Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support Revision History. For example, at the start of simulation, create the probe for the signals you want to debug, and give the probe a name, then immediately disable it (unless you want to probe at time 0): if you are using tcl probe commands, add -memories to the probe command, eg. Specifying Logical Libraries x. If you have not already done so, set up the Xcelium™ simulator working Environment. is it possible to save wavefor using any tcl command It is recommended to use the latest Xcelium release with these switches to get the biggest boost in performance. a), and dynamic libraries (. But When I am running the same with Cadence Xcelium 20. Running in a different directory than the saving simulation is also supported. Assertions can be placed in code or separate Hi, I'm using Cadence Xcelium simulator and I'd like to apply certain xmvlog, xmelab and xmsim command line switches to all simulation sets. 0 Cadence AMS Simulator User Guide Product Version 1. v are first checked for syntax errors then converted into an internal format and finally linked together ready for simulation. Using the Command-Line Interface 6. Vivado Simulation & Verification Vivado Design Suite Knowledge Base. So your probe command Hi Dylan. 0. Products Solutions Support Company unless you really need to probe within cells. Hello, When simulating a very basic ring oscillator using some standard library inverter, the resulting output frequency is different when using spectre as the selected simulator compared to selecting AMS as a simulator. Similar threads. 0. Commands To Configure and Run Simulation 1. Hi Stanleyao, Don't include TOP in the VHDL path. Hi @202611ibeuxu. Intel FPGA Simulation Generic Workflow. Article Number 000022227. i1. f etc. No records found. Patil:. ; When you run the Xcelium software automatically from the Quartus ® Prime software, The Cadence Xcelium tool will help you simulate circuits that have been developed in Verilog. With Tcl, there is a "probe" command which allows you to specify the hierarchy to send to the waveform file, and at the same time you specify the types of design objects that are included, e. g. If there is more than one FSDB file open for dumping at one simulation run, fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff may only command line, using xcelium>restart<snapshot_ name>. tcl script, using the command "xrun -input xrun. C: inputs, outputs and inouts of the specifed scope, and in all instantiations below Xcelium Save/Restart Table of Contents. 3. 6 %âãÏÓ 21262 0 obj > endobj 21261 0 obj >stream FrameMaker 10. tcl <tcl_file_arguments> I tried to add arguments to the command line, but the irun interprets the TCL arguments as irun arguments and flags out errors. Profiling. v rs_flipflop. Shall I add any particular command to probe it? Probe command I use now: database -open -shm -into waves. simvision assertion browser Wow, I never thought to mix two competing products like that. To get extended help for this warning, give the following command on your Unix prompt: % xmhelp xmelab SDFNEP. Sourcing Cadence Xcelium* Simulator Setup Scripts 6. If unspecified, the default value is 0. T. You can then use the "Save signals into file" button to create the svwf file for future use. shm waves -default # -event probe -create -database waves top -all -depth all # -memories XRUN Command-Line Manual 2/3--adapter-id ADAPTER-SERIAL-NUMBER Specifies the serial number of the adapter connected to the target hardware. nclaunch(Name,Value) specifies name-value pair arguments that allows you to customize the Tcl commands used to start the Xcelium simulator, the xmsim executable to be used, the path and name of the Tcl script that stores the start commands, and for Simulink applications, details about the mode of communication to be used by the applications. Run the command xmverilog +gui +access+r rs_flipflop_stim1. Simulation of opamps in Cadence. probe -create -flow top. Hi, you need to edit variable of WildcardFilter in modelsim. To execute a Tcl command on the Xcelium or Hi Anuran. You can either type that in the irun simulator console or provide as an instruction in the . If you have no VHDL statements that actually cause future events, time will remain at 0 and the simulator will tell you that the simulation has finished. Here are some examples of using TCL commands in Cadence Spectre AMS Designer to save signals more efficiently: Saving a single signal. But looks like this command does not exist, it is not in the list of SimVision Tcl commands. NCSIM's integrated TRN (signalscan-trace) dumper records assertion-information -- in the Simvision waveform viewer, you can browse assertions and view their counts (failed, completed, active) as regular waveforms. URL Name 63921. tb version: 1. The command to open the waveform window is:- simvision & & : Helps in re-using the terminal even after the waveform window is opening. Article Details. Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support 6. ini file. This tutorial focuses on using assertions in simulation to make assumptions about a design. This section summarizes the working method of XRUN and in the default situation When you first use the XRUN command to run the emulator, it: 1. Note: I'm using SimVision 12. . Unless you launched SimVision (what you referred to as Xcelium GUI) from xrun, it is merely an analysis tool. I want to capture the transition values of certain nodes in a design (i. Assertions v2. xmelab has a -timescale option for specifying timescale for verilog modules that do not otherwise have one. xcelium> run xmsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete. but I am facing the issue showing the following error: ncsim: *E,DBOBBD: xcelium> xmsim: *E,TCLERR: can't read "my_signals": no such variable. Adding the soc_test_pkg. i. How can I confirm that cover groups are getting hit CADENCE COMMAND LINE OPTIONS. Xcelium uses the aforementioned FOX mode and CAT mode to test for X-propagation, and both of these modes show the non-LRM compliant behavior needed to run your reset verification at RTL and improve your overall chip quality. (Cadence), 2655 Seely Ave. Thanks. The simulator would not be able to elaborate the design and give you a simulation snapshot to load in the GUI, without all the necessary modules having been compiled. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Doug Koslow over 7 years ago. must be specified at the elaboration stage using appropriate coverage tclHdlSim(tclCmd) executes a Tcl command on the Xcelium™ or ModelSim™ simulator using a shared connection during a Simulink ® cosimulation session. Your commands could be made simpler, unless you specifically need to name the output file or add extra options like glitch recording. I am trying to create the VCD for the system verilog varible being defined as struct using the following command: probe -create -vcd bench. 006. sv will resolve the NOPBIND point to? If you are using the UVM library from the Xcelium installation, you can use the option "-uvmhome CDNS-1. Hi all, i am running a mix-mode circuit (PLL) using xcelium & ultrasim the license for xcelium is available from the capture below but it seems cannot detect the Products Solutions The Xcelium xrun User Guide provides detailed instructions for using the xrun command in simulations, covering various features and functionalities. Once the switches have been enabled, Xcelium Logic Simulator Profile Analysis Our previous post discussed measuring parameters, All the options employed in simulation commands will be displayed when using- perf state and- profile. the above command will problem all signals within the some. How can I avoid displaying these glitches? I know it is due to the zero-time delay of sequential logic in functional simulation, and these "zero-width glitch" won't appears in actual application because there is no zero-time delay in actual sequential logic. sv package to your command line before doc_tb_top. <platform | platform. This will save your window setup as a tcl file. i2. In this comprehensive course, you will thoroughly Hi, I am trying to simulate my Vivado design on the Cadence Xcelium Platform. Cadence Design Systems, Inc. However, if it was launched with xrun -gui, then it can relaunch the simulation from Simulation -> Rerun Simulation. It appears that the force command will either work on the full packed array, or, if accessing a particular set of bits, with all the dimensions explicitly specified. I17. probe some. To create a work library in the project directory, type the following command at the command prompt: Packages have to be compiled before they are imported. Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guides. d directory called: run. d. 1. > endobj 21261 0 obj >stream FrameMaker 10. sv -input shm. The maximum value is 70. Use the "add_force -help" Tcl command for more information on usage of this command. Hammer plugins for Cadence tools. so, . Hello, What are the fewest commands to add all signals in design to waveform viewer? Thanks, SysTom. The simplest way would be to use Tcl breakpoints to execute the probe commands when certain signal values are observed. Xcelium should launch after the This tutorial lays out methods which allow you to simulate verilog code in Xcelium. , San Jose, CA 95134, USA. just i/o ports, internal nets, assertions etc. pdf), Text File (. Hammer: Highly Agile Masks Made Effortlessly from RTL - ucb-bar/hammer If you will only want to probe waveforms, then "-access +r" is enough, because the "r" flag turns on read access to the design. v The verilog files rs_flipflop_stim1. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Note: Intel recommends using the Xcelium™ (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. cpc_tools_pkg:: cpc_tools" with "[scope -tops]". Create a temporary sub -directory in the xcelium. For this tutorial, the results will be displayed on a console. For more information, I can refer to Using the Xcelium Simulator Utilities book available under the latest In reply to Digvijay. path instance and below, including memories. I don't know how to answer your question. hierarchical. var file is created in the simulation directory. 2. Xcelium* Simulation Executables; Program Function ; xmvlog : xmvlog compiles your Verilog HDL code and performs syntax and static semantics checks. Note that "irun" is a legacy command that is currently aliased to "xrun", however you should aim to use "xrun" for forwards compatibility with newer software releases. If the compilation and elaboration is successful, the database -open waves -shm probe -create your_top_level -depth all -all -shm -database waves run exit Now to run your simulation use: irun -access +r testcase. I think we should also add a user The simplest probing command would be something like: probe -create -shm [scope -tops] -all -depth to_cells. , Putty). Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Tutorial for Cadence SimVision Verilog Simulator T. Everything else (design, irunArgs. Vivado Design Suite User Guide Logic Simulation UG900 (v2022. hiearchical. But I would advise you to read the documentation for the probe command to fully understand what the options are, to get what you need for your actual debugging requirements. path. packed_array_test[31:0] = 32'hFFFF1234 xmsim: *E,PINRNG: Index value out of range: [31:0]. All rights reserved. Contribute to Xilinx/XilinxTclStore development by creating an account on GitHub. Is it correct? BR, Stanley. I have written basic covergroup and passed arguments[-covoverwrite -cov_cgsample -cov_debuglog -coverage u] to the xrun command, however I don't see anything in sim directory, nor do I see anything in the logs indicating the covergroups have been hit. UNIX> xrun -uvmhome CDNS-1 If you add "-waveform" to your probe command, that will bring the signals up in the waveform viewer. -all -memories -depth all. Basic Xcelium Tutorial. Take the Accelerated Learning Path Digital Badges Length: 2 Days (16 hours) The Cadence® Xcelium™ Simulator is a powerful tool for debugging and simulating digital designs. . One way to support this more directly would be to examine the extension of the waveform_file argument and modify the TCL commands generated by write_ncsim_tcl accordingly. Save the voltage of net3 in the hierarchy i1. Answers to Top FAQs 1. 6. If the lower modules are not there, then your design isn't instantiating them, i. So your probe command becomes: probe -create -database [scope -tops] -all -depth all "scope -tops" will list out all the top levels of the design - including the packages. ) stayed the same. Executing nclaunch tclstart commands These FSDB dumping commands turn dumping on and off. txt) or read online for free. Finally, examining the SystemVerilog and AMS Extensions with the mixed-signal The command to use: 'xrun counter. Files (0) Download. portA. You should name the Xcelium software libraries as follows: When you run the Xcelium software independently from the Quartus ® Prime software, you should name your library work. I feel I am missing something very basic. stop -condition {#trigger_sig == 1} -execute {probe -create -shm my_signal} Cancel; Vote Up 0 xcelium> probe -create -shm -all -depth all Commands need to be typed in the Xcelium console before running the simulation. 09 Tool then what are the commands i need to set? I am not getting it . Problem Statement Coco. Save the current through port portA in the hierarchy i1. xcelium> exit. f: -coverage A). Therefore, the Xcelium tool may be used in your X-windows emulator or console window (e. 2. 2, the compatible Xcelium verison is 20. Create a temporary directory called xcelium. The work flow of this program is similar to that of Vivado which was learned in CE433 Embedded Devices. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guides As previously pointed out, it's important that you use compatible Xcelium version for compile_simlib. Xcelium X-prop technology supports both SystemVerilog and VHDL, and doesn’t require any changes to existing HDL designs. The Xcelium xrun User Guide provides detailed instructions for using the xrun command in simulations, covering various features and functionalities. shm file and Instead of hardcoding the top level name in your "probe" command, try replacing "waves:: worklib. tcl script has only one command "run". 1. fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff has the highest priority and overrides all other FSDB dumping commands. Aldec Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO Support 5. The -simvisargs passes command-line switches to the simvision binary, not Tcl commands. tcl script and having the default coverage dump at the end of the simulation (irunArgs. Cancel; use the "run 10us" command to run for 10 microseconds. My first idea was to place a hdl. shm waves -default probe -create -database waves top -all -depth all -mem -functions -tasks Best regards, Davy. v counter_test. bs4[13]} in AMS based netlister. 1d". Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Mickey over 15 years ago. fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff is not restricted to only fsdbDumpvars. We also utilize the Xcelium DMS App to verify our mixed-signal designs. var file into my project directory. Introduction. Hence, using these performance and profiling options, you can quickly determine the switches being utilized. 1 Preface This preface contains the following sections: Other Sources of Information Upon cold restart, specific command-line options are available to enable you to run a different test scenario from the saved state. WildcardFilter = Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support 5. You can send Tcl commands to SimVision from the Xcelium Tcl prompt, much like you tried in your 2nd trial, however the bit you missed is that Xcelium and Simvision have separate Tcl interpreters, so you need to prefix your "waveform" command with a special command without using a . Could you please help me with this? Status Not open for further replies. 0 - Free download as PDF File (. While working through this tutorial if you want to The final section of the command script includes a probe command for the "direction" signal. 8. Publication Date 4/13/2015. This will give you the following waveforms. Originally posted in cdnusers. In simvision's waveform window, many signals have zero-width glitch. 11 local install When running a simulation via the python runner with the argument waves=True I want to probe the signal in the MODULE_VHDL, but it looks like only signal below the hierarchy of MODULE_VERILOG could be probed. 1 Operating system: Rocky Linux 8 (Equivalent to RHEL8) Simulator: Xcelium 2403 Python Version: Python 3. Click on . This process is known as compilation and elaboration. To create a work library in the project directory, type the © 1999–2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. v and rs_flipflop. But this doesn't work because an empty hdl. Aldec Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO Support A. Cadence Design Systems provides comprehensive documentation on Tcl commands for Xcelium Agile. Contribute to ucb-bar/hammer-cadence-plugins development by creating an account on GitHub. To perform a simulation of a VHDL design with command-line commands using the Xcelium™ simulator. The first time you run the simulator with the irun command, it: Quick introduction to some of the Assertion debug features of SimVision including basic probe commands to collect needed debug information, hyperlinked asser To perform a simulation of a Verilog HDL design with command-line commands using the Xcelium™ simulator. 09. 10 Use the "stop" command to create a breakpoint on the signal chaning value, and use the command's "-execute" option to specify the probe command. Note that output signals x and y are red lines at the beginning of the simulation. You perform mixed-signal design simulation and verification from the command line using the Spectre AMS Designer/Xcelium mixed-signal simulator. You use the command-line-based I have tried the new simvision and found I cannot probe and view the variables wave in class. By specifying all input files and command line options on a single command line, XRUN utility allows you to run Xcelium simulator with a single -core or multi -core engine. ydec_i -depth all. Manikas, SMU, 3/11/2022 8 4. The Xcelium™ Single Core simulator provides the following support for SystemVerilog: The xmvlog, xmelab, xmsim, and xrun utilities provide options for compiling, elaborating, and simulating SystemVerilog constructs, such as compilation units, bind files, assertions, and random variables, and for incremental elaboration. Tim. With the Xcelium simulator, we can achieve Found some shm_probe() arguments somewhere on the web, might be useful here: Shm_probe(""); A: all nodes, including inputs, outputs and inouts, of the specified scope S: inputs, outputs and inouts of the specified scope, and in all instantiations below it, except inside library cells. o), compiled archives (. Loading. you need to modify the RTL code to create the instances. Verilog code motion estimator. To restore the waveform window next time, simply go to File -> Source Command Script and select the file you had saved previously. So my 2 questions: 1. Remove Memory from that variable. Why Do We Need Logical XRUN Command-Line Manual 2/3--adapter-id ADAPTER-SERIAL-NUMBER Specifies the serial number of the adapter connected to the target hardware. tcl The FW _LIST is: -incdir /apps On the simulator side, the command you can use is probe -create <signal> <options>. Once the waveform is open, click on file and open database. net3. 2" or "-uvmhome CDNS-1. - Doug. tcl -f irunArgs. If you want to use TCL commands like "force", or you have PLI / VPI code that drives signals, then you need to add the "w" flag. When I try to compile the Xilinx libraries in The command used to compile the Xilinx libraries are: xrun -clean -access +rwc -f FW_FLIST -top fpga_top -rnm_info -timescale 1ns/1ps -input probe. For Vivado 2021. See if this addresses your I have a requirement where I want to pass arguments to the TCL file used with the irun command for my functional simulation test. Another option is to put them in a TCL file and provide this file to irun/ncverilog with -input option. Intel FPGA Simulation Basics x. Use the following files for this tutorial: In the manual of SimVision in one place I see that there a tcl command "waveform" that allows saving waveform using a command. x (Member) ,. A sample example would be. sl) SPICE files How irun Works This section summarizes how irun works and what happens by default. Simulation results of verilog in modelsim. 1) April 21, 2022 See all versions of this document Xilinx is creating an environment where employees, customers, and I'm using LDV 5. Siemens EDA QuestaSim* Simulator Support 3. Cadence AMS Simulator User Guide September 2000 1 Product Version 1. Instead of hardcoding the top level name in your "probe" command, try replacing "waves:: worklib. Any signal included in the Wave window is automatically probed, allowing its history to be recorded Xcelium SimVision GUI. <xrun_version>. a digital multiplier built with standard cells) and I use probe -screen command to dump the nodal values in text format. 2) with a . ></p>I could use the -HDLVAR switch, but then I have to do this for all simulation If you’re using Cadence’s Xcelium simulator to simulate your design and testbench, it is for sure using Cadence’s Verisium Debug is the best choice that you can use for debug. Started by theguardian2001; For example, a search for "Xcelium probe Tcl" came back with this in the top 5 hits: How to probe class objects, dynamic arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, Strings, and UVM objects and I suspect it's exactly the article you needed. %PDF-1. rpf qsp bmyu ebdh ntgk wjc mook mgsnsq qjqi zefyxf