European commission jobs. Know more about the European Commission jobs.

European commission jobs Talent selections: indicative planning 2025. The European Commission is running a campaign to promote opportunities for students, job seekers and employers in tourism. Temporary Agents, externally hired (TA 2(f); AD 5-12) These Temporary Agents 2(f) are selected and engaged in responsible positions in key scientific Jun 26, 2022 · European Commission Job Circular 2024 has been published in daily newspaper and to get from the best job news website. European Commission experts evaluate tenders and project proposals, monitor projects and assist with designing policies and programmes. Publication: From 20/12/2024 to 31/01/2025 until 12. Salary Range: UGX. 2, European Commission, Brussels. Poser sa candidature à un poste temporaire. Employees are usually selected through the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). Find 58 European Commission job openings on Indeed. The Representations in all Member States play a crucial role in this. Le Parlement européen, la Commission européenne et la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne disposent chacun de leur propre service d’interprétation, mais ils sélectionnent conjointement leurs interprètes free-lance. Please consult Applying for a job and Data Protection Notice for selection and recruitment before applying for a job. 2,868,990. Feb 26, 2025 · Faced with high energy costs and fierce global competition, European industries need urgent support. Vacancy: Director-General (grade AD15) – post available on 1/10/2023. Jun 12, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Principal Adviser for Relations with internal and external stakeholders in DG IAS in Brussels (AD14) - COM/2024/10453 Dec 12, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Deputy Director-General (AD15) in DGT - Brussels - COM/2024/10458 Our competitions are published at Job Opportunities and announced by a Notice of Competition, which provides full details of the profile, the eligibility criteria and the selection procedure. Return to Search Result. Details. Oct 12, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Executive Director - Anti Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) - COM/2024/20112 As recalled in the guidance to help people fleeing Russia’s aggression on Ukraine access jobs, training and adult learning, there are several tools available at EU level to support this. Knowledge and experience: Minimum 5 years of relevant humanitarian experience at national and regional/ international level in managing humanitarian programme/ project operations, with a humanitarian NGO, Donor or National/ International Organisation. For more information and to apply please visit the European Commission's Traineeship Office. IT Security Officer FGIV – seven new vacancies in CERT-EU Cybersecurity Service for the European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (CERT-EU) is searching for seven IT officers in different cybersecurity fields. The European Commission offers various job opportunities and different types of employment, including permanent or temporary positions and traineeships. Candidates applying for Policy Officer had the quickest hiring process (on average 2 days), whereas Project Officer roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 210 days). New European Commission jobs added daily. Check the current and upcoming competitions managed by EPSO with no deadline or with specific deadlines. The Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) promotes the political priorities of the European Commission and contributes to bringing Europe closer to citizens. Some vacancies may also be open to Contract Agents Know more about the European Commission jobs. Apply for the latest jobs at European Commission today. EPSO is the host of this Today’s top 190 European Commission jobs in Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium. Search for current job opportunities with DG for Digital Services. com, the world's largest job site. com, the worlds largest job site. FPI is part of the European Commission and is bound by the rules on recruitment. Publication: From 10/01/2025 to 07/02/2025 until 12. Recruited officials will work mainly for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). Job email alerts. There are two sessions per year, starting in March and October. Job description: 401095 Search 32 European Commission jobs now available on Indeed. 4001 - job 423378. Free, fast and easy way find European commission jobs of 743. Jan 27, 2025 · The hiring process at European Commission takes an average of 112. Administrative Officer - Paymaster Office of the European Commission - COM/2023/1768 - PMO. 001 - ENER/TA/COM/2023/1410 - Job 220551 - Luxembourg Administrative Agent - Administrative support – Information security and classified information - HR. Explore similar work like Account Executive, Program Coordinator, Senior Registrar jobs to help you secure your next role! Poser sa candidature à un poste vacant et informations sur les profils d’emploi et les qualifications requises pour les postes d’encadrement à la Commission européenne. The different job openings can be filtered by field, researcher profile, sector, country, and European research program. Feb 17, 2023 · Jobs at the European Commission; Job opportunities; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Director “Digital Transformation” – DIGIT. Function Group: FG IV. That is why the European Commission is introducing the Union of Skills, a plan to improve high quality education, training and lifelong learning. Publication: From 21/10/2022 to 30/11/2022 until 12. From 2019 to 2022 he was president of the European Society of Engineers and Industrialists. Where: Varies. Publication date. So, let’s check the European Commission Job Circular 2025. We pride ourselves on being a reliable bridge between hiring employers and job seekers and have established ourselves as a national leader in recruitment solutions. Apply now as technology specialist or administrative assistant for a unique opportunity to shape trustworthy AI. DDG. Jan 2, 2025 · The content published on this page is the sole responsibility of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security. The European Commission is central to the functioning of the EU, playing a vital role in shaping and implementing policies that impact the lives of over 450 million citizens across member states. About Organisation: The open vacancies of DG HERA are published below as well as on the Job Opportunities page of the EPSO portal. Related Documents. 5. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. This letter is your chance to introduce yourself and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position. CINEA accepts atypical unpaid in-service traineeship on specific conditions. Publication: From 31/01/2023 to 28/02/2023 until 12. May 26, 2023 · Head of Representation in Bulgaria, Sofia – (Grade AD 14)– COM/2023/10433 The Blue Book Traineeship programme is a five-month paid internship offered by the European Commission, providing young graduates from around the world with hands-on experience in EU policymaking and administration. Application for a Traineeship session. Jan 31, 2023 · Description. Publication: 10 January 2023. Discover the latest updates, stories, and press and audiovisual material. Eligibility: Varies. Jun 23, 2023 · Poste d’agent temporaire – Office pour les infrastructures et la logistique à Bruxelles de la Commission européenne COM/2023/1073 - chargé des affaires juridiques - contrats - marchés publics (AD5/AD12) 6 days ago · The European car industry is a vital sector of our economy, providing 13 million jobs and contributing 7% of the EU’s GDP. Job vacancies Are you looking for an EU career? Below you can find some temporary job vacancies, as well as senior management vacancies also open to external candidates , in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies. Learn how to find a job on EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal, including details on who to contact for more information in your country. Do you want EU policies and laws to be informed by the best scientific evidence available? Do you have a strong background in research? Today's top 11 European Commission jobs in India. Directorate B (Strategy & Corporate Communication) oversees the Commission’s corporate communication activities and domain leadership for external communication, in a medium to JRC Digital Media Hub helps you easily discover how the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) scientific research and advice are linked to our daily lives in the European Union. 00 hours Brussels time. 44 days when considering 121 user submitted interviews across all job titles. Contract agents. com. 002, Luxembourg - Job 423545 Mar 12, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Principal Adviser for Strategies for the Development of Justice Policies in DG JUST in Brussels (AD14) - COM/2024/10452 Several entry points exist for joining the European Commission's department for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, depending on your profile, type of employment, and location. As the world of work evolves and European society changes, DG EMPL works to protect social rights and ensure a fair green and digital transition, collaborating with national authorities, social 6 days ago · The European Commission is the EU’s main executive body. Common eligibility criteria: Please read the attached document Specific eligibility criteria: N/A. Contact the European Commission; Follow the European Commission on social media; Resources for Jul 18, 2024 · On 18 July 2024, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was elected for a second mandate, presented to the European Parliament her Political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2024-2029. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Vacancy: Deputy Director General (AD15) – ESTAT Where: Directorate-General Eurostat (DG ESTAT) in Luxembourg. DS. Contract Agent vacancies are published in a dedicated inter-agency job market portal (only accessible to Commission staff). Read the entire ad online to learn how to practice modern-day European Commission process possibilities. Dec 19, 2024 · Description. 00 (minimum corresponding to 5 years’ experience and subject to local tax law). The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus is looking to recruit an Information and Communication Agent. Job, traineeship and volunteering opportunities in development cooperation and humanitarian aid can be found at. Find out how to apply for non-permanent contracts in the European Commission in various domains, locations and grades. Search new European Commission jobs find your next job and see who is recruiting and apply directly on Jobrapido. the jobs page for the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations; the jobs page for the Directorate-General for International Partnerships EPSO is the host of this webpage. May 21, 2024 · Vacancy: Permanent positions for senior researchers. For Luxembourg vacancies: HR-LUX For Bruxelles vacancies: HR-BXL Sep 30, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Executive Director - European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)- COM/2024/20111 We thank you for your interest in working for HaDEA. 00 hours Brussels time Oct 17, 2024 · Job Title: ECHO-Kampala – Driver/EBB. Types de contrats temporaires. Job market for Contract and Temporary Agents No vacancies at the moment. 4 Valid from01/06/2022until Job Holder Name Job Profile Position CONTRACT AGENT FGIV Job title International Aid / Cooperation Officer - Humanitarian Aid Desk – Regional South-East Asia, Myanmar and DPRK Domains Generic domain EU employment and social policies support citizens throughout their lives, when finding a job, moving to another Member State, or learning new skills. DDG1. 2. Scopri cosa significa lavorare per l'UE e inviaci la tua candidatura! Aug 19, 2022 · The Directorate-General Communication (DG COMM) of the European Commission, as a corporate communication service, promotes the policy priorities of the European Commission and contributes to bringing Europe closer to citizens. Please note that below you will find only a selection of current job opportunities. They are responsible for the quality of the data they provide and the European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents or the reliability of the information. Apply to Sales Representative, Senior Recruitment Consultant, Real Estate Analyst and more! Traineeships in the European Commission (the Blue Book) There are two five-month traineeship sessions at the European Commission – one which begins in March and the second which begins in October. Jan 10, 2023 · Job title: Accounting Officer (job nr 226637) Where: DG AGRI/R. A – COM/2023/10425 Jan 30, 2025 · The content published on this page is the sole responsibility of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security. Jobs at the European Research Executive Agency - Vacancies, ongoing and completed selection procedures, and reserve lists. Today’s top 2 European Commission jobs in Kenya. 000+ current vacancies in USA and abroad. Stay up to date with news from the European Commission. the European Commission jobs page. When: Varies. Verified employers. Jul 6, 2021 · Deadline for application: 15 November 2022 @ 12:00 noon (Brussels time) European Commission - ECHO | 12,544 followers on LinkedIn. We advise you to have a look at the jobs at the European Commission as well as the website of EU careers managed by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). To apply for either session, you have to plan in advance, as closing dates are at the end of the previous August for the March session and at the EPSO is the host of this webpage. 15 European Commission jobs available on Indeed. Search 41 European Commission jobs available on Indeed. Vacancies at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) JRC's web application that manages part of the recruitment process for trainees, grantholders, CAST and auxiliary contract staff at the JRC. How the research and innovation 2020-2024 strategy helps achieve the European Commission priority of an economy that works for people General information. Find out how to work for the EU civil service, apply for permanent, temporary, or traineeship positions, and explore career opportunities at the Commission. Anyway, we would like to inform you that, The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties, and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. Find a job to suit your skillset and advance your career working at European Commission. Jan 29, 2025 · In its effort to expand legal migration pathways and channel foreign workers towards occupations experiencing skill shortages, the Commission has developed an interactive tool mapping some 290 pathways across the EU to help non-EU nationals find the destination best suited to their skillset. European Commission jobs: Become an EU Official or Explore Temporary Job Opportunities Read More » IT technician jobs Germany: Hemmersbach is hiring foreign skilled professionals Hemmersbach currently has IT technician jobs Germany and provides IT infrastructure services in more than 190 countries from 60 subsidiaries worldwide. Reserve lists. D. Applications due: Varies Mar 7, 2024 · The Commission has opened two calls for expression of interest to recruit new members for the European AI Office. Domain**: Inter-Institutional Relations – Human Resources Management. Organisation: European Commission’s Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda. 002, Luxembourg - Job 423545 Feb 27, 2025 · There are several ways of joining the European Commission's department for Migration and Home Affairs, depending on your profile and type of employment. Pour devenir interprète free-lance, vous devez réussir un test d’accréditation. Job Opportunities for Research Fellows at the European Commission . The Commission has put startups, research and innovation among the key priorities of its mandate, with the goals of closing the innovation divide between the EU and its global competitors and boosting competitiveness, bearing in mind the Letta Report on the future of the Single Market and the Draghi Report on EPSO is the host of this webpage. For Luxembourg vacancies: HR-LUX For Bruxelles vacancies: HR-BXL Contract staff positions are available for a wide range of jobs, requiring different levels of qualifications. Jun 12, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Director-General of OLAF in Brussels (Temporary Agent grade AD15) - COM/2024/10450 Apply for the latest jobs at European Commission today. Explore current vacancies for permanent and temporary jobs, management positions and external experts in the EU institutions. That is why the European Commission is introducing the Union of Skills, a plan to improve high quality education, training, and lifelong learning. Required Qualifications: Education: A relevant first level university degree or equivalent professional experience. It aims to Oct 30, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Principal Adviser - Member of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board in Brussels (Temporary Agent grade AD14) – COM/2024/10451 Nov 5, 2024 · The European institutions are looking for scientific research administrators. The European Travel Commission (ETC) is the non-profit organisation responsible for the promotion of Europe as a tourist destination in third markets We also invite you to visit the job pages of the EU institutions and bodies and the EU job portal of the EU Agency Network (EUAN). 00 hours Brussels time Sep 1, 2018 · Marie Curie Actions: European research fellowships / grants for researchers regardless of nationality. Know more about the European Commission jobs. Découvrez ce que signifie travailler pour l’UE et envoyez-nous votre candidature! The European Commission lists jobs in a variety of fields in the chemical sciences. Informieren Sie sich und schicken Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung! CINEA selects trainees from the official European Commission Bluebook. Most posts will be in various JRC sites (Brussels, Belgium; Geel, Belgium; Karlsruhe, Germany; Seville, Spain; Ispra, Italy; and Petten, The Netherlands). Application deadline: 20 September 2024 For more information please click here for the Call for Expression of Interest and the Job Description. We are. There are two types of contract agents: contract agents on a contract of limited duration (up to a maximum of six years) work at Commission headquarters; Læs om job i Europa-Kommissionen: praktikophold og midlertidige og faste stillinger. New Business Analyst European Commission jobs added daily. For Luxembourg vacancies: HR-LUX For Bruxelles vacancies: HR-BXL Deputy Director General (AD15) – ESTAT – COM/2025/10463 - Luxembourg. Call for expressions of interest: Researchers – Contractual Agents - Function Group IV. Any questions regarding the job vacancies published on this webpage should be addressed to the relevant services of the European Commission. Dec 13, 2021 · Job opportunities. As the sector is facing challenges like new technologies, increasing competition and a changing geopolitical context, President von der Leyen launched in January 2025 the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the Automotive Industry. The recruitment of permanent staff is managed by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) through open competitions. Vacancy: Director “Expenditure - Operations and Investigations” (AD14) Where: The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) in Brussels. They can now match their skills with job vacancies thanks to the EU Talent Pool pilot which the Commission launched together with the European Labour Authority. The Clean Industrial Deal outlines concrete actions to turn decarbonisation into a driver of growth for European industries. En dehors des fonctionnaires permanents, la Commission européenne recrute également du personnel temporaire au moyen de contrats à durée déterminée. Jan 25, 2025 · The content published on this page is the sole responsibility of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security. You can visit our "Job vacancies" page to find the jobs in Luxembourg which are currently open for application. Apr 24, 2024 · 2. Unit AGRI-R2 is composed of 22 motivated and knowledgeable colleagues and includes the Accounting Competence Pool where the new colleague will be Job description. Nov 14, 2024 · Jobs; Job opportunities at the Commission; Managers at the European Commission; Apply for management positions at the European Commission; Director for Translation in DGT in Luxembourg (AD14) - COM/2024/10455 Search 17 European Commission jobs available in Dubai on Indeed. Postes vacants. Oct 21, 2022 · Details. Contract Type: 3b Search and apply for the latest European commission jobs. You can explore our vast collection of animations, infographics, games, videos, virtual tours and other media by any science topic or Commission Priority Jul 5, 2024 · The hiring process at European Commission takes an average of 111 days when considering 16 user submitted interviews across all job titles. The Aragonese Foundation for Research & Development (ARAID) is launching a new international call for applications to fill up to a maximum of 12 full-time research positions for candidates with a consolidated track record of high-quality research and a demonstrated capacity for leadership, to join any of the research and innovation centres How To Write a Motivation Letter European Commission? When applying for jobs or internships with the European Commission, you will often be asked to submit a motivation letter along with your CV. She put forward a list of Commissioners-designate and their portfolios, reflecting the ambitions set out in the Political Guidelines. Arbeiten bei der Europäischen Kommission: Praktika, befristete und unbefristete Stellen. Apply to Entry Level Financial Analyst, Travel Consultant, Development Project Manager and more! Feb 24, 2023 · Contributes to European Commission priorites Supporting people, strengthening our societies and our social model The twin green and digital transition, towards a climate neutral economy, will have significant implications for skills development, education and employment . - The job vacancy information may only be used for lawful and legitimate purposes. Application deadline: 27 January 2023, 12. Browse the latest job openings for temporary staff and contract staff in Brussels and around the world. Communication officers cover a large variety of tasks including: drafting press releases, reports and other documents; organising and holding news conferences; creating and implementing communication strategies and campaigns; establishing relations with the press; maintaining an EU presence across all media; monitoring media coverage of the institutions; managing strategic and Scopri le opportunità di lavoro presso la Commissione europea: tirocini, impieghi temporanei e permanenti. We also invite you to read the short guide on CV writing, prepared by the Council of the European Union. Principal Adviser - Future financing of the European Public Administration in DG BUDG in Brussels (AD14) - COM/2024/10462 Today’s top 13 European Commission jobs in United States. Jun 24, 2022 · European Commission jobs circular is a golden opportunity for them, Who want to get a new job in private company. We also invite you to visit the job pages of the EU institutions and bodies and the EU job portal of the EU Agency Network (EUAN). Personal Security Clearance (PSC): required. It aims to EUROPEAN COMMISSION Job Description Form Job description version1 (Approved) Job description version396465 in ECHO. In 2025, the European Commission will adopt an EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy. Living conditions allowance: 20%. Jobs - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions research fellowships - European Commission Today’s top 6 Business Analyst European Commission jobs in Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium. Find ud af, hvad det indebærer at arbejde for EU, og send os din ansøgning! Jan 14, 2025 · European Commission modern Government Management jobs and others can be applied for until 26 January 2025 or according to the remaining date in the newspaper advert. Apply to European Commission jobs now hiring in London on Indeed. The format of the competitions varies depending on the profile being sought. No application will be processed directly by EISMEA. As described in Commission Decision C(2017)6760, these vacancies are open to applicants who are already employed within the Commission/agencies with a contract type 3(a). Competitive salary. European Commission jobs: Explore the Available Opportunities Jan 9, 2025 · Description. The Agency offers traineeship opportunities, as part of the European Commission scheme for trainees. However, the content published on this webpage is the sole responsibility of the EU institutions and bodies concerned . These require staff to be recruited either by competition (permanent officials EN•••) or by selection procedures (contract staff EN•••). Job title*: IT Service Officer – SYSPER Service Coordinator. The JRC mission is to provide independent, evidence-based science and knowledge, supporting EU policies to positively impact society. 04 - „HR Digital Solutions & Business Processes Efficiencies“, Brussels. Learn how to apply, register your interest and evaluate tenders. We have plenty of current and future job opportunities: Open vacancies. EPSO is the host of this webpage. Please check the procedure on the Commission's Traineeships Office page if you want to become a Bluebook trainee. Devenir un expert Qui peut poser sa candidature, où manifester son intérêt et quelles sont les règles applicables aux experts lors de l’évaluation des offres. What is the European Commission? The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union (EU), responsible for proposing new legislation, enforcing EU laws, managing the day-to-day operations of the EU, and implementing its policies. Learn more about these fellowships in your country. This is a portal for the recruitment of temporary staff for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Candidates interested in applying for published contract staff positions must be registered in the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) database and have successfully passed the EPSO CAST selection tests or be included in the CAST Permanent in the grade and The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is the single point of contact for all EU citizens who wish to work for the European Institutions. Vacancy: Head of Unit Protection and Operations (AD13) Where: Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security, Brussels. IT and technical requirements for online testing with EPSO’s new provider A list of important IT requirements to ensure the best possible testing experience. Award amount: Varies. Policy Officer - ENER. He is the author of 18 books and numerous articles. 00 hours Brussels time 6 days ago · But as job requirements change, many workers struggle to keep up and businesses cannot find the right talent. Jan 30, 2023 · The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's department responsible for creating and managing much of the knowledge used to support the European Commission's policies. Any questions regarding the vacancies published on this webpage should be addressed to the relevant services of the European Commission. 00 hours Brussels time Jan 19, 2024 · in DG HR of the European Commission Description. It proposes legislation, upholds EU treaties and ensures Member States apply EU law and policies. This includes lowering energy prices, creating quality jobs and the right conditions for companies to thrive. Regular staff is not recruited directly by DG HOME. Learn about the benefits, requirements, and selection procedures for different jobs and roles. He was a senior European civil servant at the European Commission’s DG Energy for 36 years. On the EPSO page you can learn more about how to apply for vacancies and see the tests you may need to pass in order to get a job with the EU institutions. Anyone can take this European Commission career opportunity. 6 days ago · But as job requirements change, many workers struggle to keep up, and businesses cannot find the right talent. Contact the European Commission; Temporary Agents, seconded from the European Commission (TA-S) Officials of the European Commission may be seconded to the HaDEA in high responsibility positions in management or related areas. Jan 18, 2023 · Job profile: Team Leader in Delegation. Interested and qualified Candidates can apply European Commission new job circular 2025. These skills and labour gaps are hindering European competitiveness. Where:Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), Brussels. However, the content published on this webpage is the sole responsibility of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security. Feb 19, 2025 · He taught energy politics and geopolitics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles from 2003 to 2021. Job Types: Full-time, Commission   Report job. The Commission manages the EU's budget and negotiates international agreements on behalf of the EU. Explore current vacancies and find out more about the types of non-permanent staff working at the European Commission. Feb 11, 2025 · The 2025 Work Programme sets out the key strategies, action plans and legislative initiatives that will form the building blocks for the further work during this term to respond to our ambition to build a strong, secure and prosperous Europe. Today’s top 15 European Commission jobs in United States. Candidates applying for Postdoctoral Researcher had the quickest hiring process (on average 1 day), whereas Administrator roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 360 days). Where: Unit HR. Find out how to apply for permanent official or contract agent jobs in the EU institutions and bodies. . 5 European Commission jobs available on Indeed. The goal is to provide a comprehensive platform for job seekers to find jobs in Nepal and for employers to find the right fit for their organization. Find a job to suit your skillset and advance your career working at European Commission Découvrez les offres d’emploi à la Commission européenne: stages, postes temporaires et postes permanents. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is offering project manager job opportunities for 2022. johc lrdx vewxor kcqoxloq jdv yfux qwxix mvxq clnazjr ecchp mfifp filj gysyf zpi hlcit